Loved and Wanted

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Okay, soooo I will be posting each chapter after I am done editing them. This is 1/4. Everything ended up being shorter then I anticipated.

Changes will be made because I believe they will enhance the story. They have not been made yet but if there are some messy parts that's why.

I really hope you guys like the way that I have written the rest of this story!



The street was eerily quiet except for the incessant ringing of the dial tone in my ear. Derek didn't pick up the first try.

He didn't pick up the second try either.

I stare at the phone angrily wondering who else I could call or where else I could go.

I just left Caroline's and I didn't really know if we were on that level of relationship to ask her to comfort me and she didn't know my history with my father. Jet and I were just getting close, bonding over our sexualities but not our families. Erin, who I loved, never said any of the right things but always said things on the more superficial level. I definitely couldn't go home. Not in this state, it would wreck my mother.

My ideal choice would have been Dylan of course. She knew all my ups and downs with my family and my father. But I just couldn't get past the haunting look that she had on her face the other night. I still haven't gotten the courage to talk to her about it. It was a lot to just expect her to still be there for me during my low points.

I called Derek again.

As soon as I heard his gruff sleep coated voice over the phone I started to cry again. " Hey, woah what's going on?"

"Can you please just come pick me up?" I knew I probably sounded like a complete and tragic mess but I didn't care. I just needed someone.

"Sure sure. Just tell me where you are?" I told him while wrapping my arms around myself and sitting on the curb in a pathetic heap. " Stay where you are."

I don't know how much time had passed with me with my head on my knees before Derek's pick-up came roaring down the block.

I didn't bother getting up from my place on the curb. Derek stopped the car near me, then gets out to jog over to me. All in soft cotton duck pajama pants. If I didn't feel so crushed I might have laughed at the sight.

Derek didn't bother making me move into the car but instead, he just plopped down right next to me, putting a toned bronze-colored arm around my shoulders for a hug. He didn't say anything but instead just let me cry my silent tears.

When my sniffles signaled the end of my tears, Derek said, "Who do I need to beat the shit out of?"

I just shook my head. " My father," I breathed in trying to catch my breath and gather the actual courage to repeat his words. "Scott said that I was a mistake. That the boys were a mistake."

"That son of a bitch."

I just nodded because what else could I say.

Derek's fist shook violently, itching to punch something. I could feel the anger rippling through his body. "What gives him the right to treat people like crap? He is a real piece of work."

"You don't get to pick your family."

"That man is not your family. I am and so is Dylan." I scoffed at the mention of Dylan.

"If Dylan were family.."I was surprised when he cut me off quickly, shaking his head back and forth.

"I'm so sick of this." He looked like he was going to say more but he just couldn't get the words he wanted to say. Dylan and Derek had that in common. Sometimes they looked so much alike when they mulled over their words. " Dylan is your family. You guys are both just being stupid but also stupid within reason."

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