I Promise

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Hey guys! I know, just murder me now because I know that you are all out for my blood. Who ever reads this anyways. I have been so busy with starting school again and frankly I had doubts about actually finishing this story. I still have those doubtd but I'll see how far I can get with this.

I hope this lives up to you guys standards. I'll try to update again soon. Happy reading.


I sit there for a few moments shell shocked and embarrassed that someone has read my letter to no one and actually written something back. I don't know what to make of it. So I don't think about I just started reading:

Dear Curious Lonely Person,   

I'm really not good with words. I don't even know why I'm doing this truthfully, call it an impulse. I as well suffer from having the word 'single' being stamped permanently on my forehead in big red letters. But my single status, I suppose, is a choice that I made under certain circumstances. I'm not sure if I should tell you about the problems in my life. I am simply here to try and help you with yours. 

You didn't really ask a question in your letter to no one but I feel when you have something racing through your mind it helps to have someone to talk to especially to be able to talk to someone from an unbiased standpoint. 

You're probably wondering why would a random person even write back? I really don't know. I found this notebook out in the hall and I just picked it up. I only looked at it to be able to find its owner and when I saw that only one page had been written about out of 100, I was curious. To add on to that, I was hoping that somehow by the design of fate, you would find this notebook again after I crammed it into the nook beside this desk. I didn't think you would want people easily coming across this so I tried to hide it the best I could in hopes the original writer would find it again.

Now back to the nonexistent question. I could tell you that being single is not the end of the world. But that is usually what people say who are in a relationship; from an also single standpoint. All I can say is that it sucks.

But being single, as you are, just says that maybe you just aren't the type to settle. It is possible that one day you will meet or have already met the right person, but until you realize that maybe you don't want to settle for the wrong one.

True, it does sting when someone bails on you for his or her girlfriends or boyfriends. Or when the people around you are so involved with each other that you are left with no one to speak to.

But as you said yourself, maybe it's best that you stop looking because when you do, if you're lucky, the right person will be standing right in front of you.

Curious, Friendly Person

P.S I'm not sure at all how this letter is going to come off to you. You could think I'm a big creeper or whatever, but just in case you decide that you want to write back to me. Just leave the notebook again where you found it.

I sit there moments are finishing the note that is written back to me. I read over it again a couple of times just to make sure I have read it right the first time, trying to grasp the concept that  some random person would want to write back to me without any particular reason other than wanting to help me.

I should have found the reply really embarrassing or creepy that someone has read my inner thoughts but instead I feel slightly comforted. Which is weird, since I don't even know who this person is but still I am comforted nonetheless. Maybe it is because I feel that someone out there understood what I feel.

This person seemed to have very honest motives, only wanting to help me for my sake and not for some material reason or to embarrass me but to give me actual honest advice.

Dear No One (Girlxgirl)(Lesbian Story)(EDITIING)Where stories live. Discover now