𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐍𝐆 𝐌𝐄 𝐇𝐎𝐌𝐄 - 𝐚𝐥𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐚𝐦

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. . . warnings! slight suggestive content, alcohol, fluff

Kaveh glanced at you through half-slitted eyes, obviously drunk

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Kaveh glanced at you through half-slitted eyes, obviously drunk. "And have I even told you about that time Al Haitham kicked me out of the house? He..." Kaveh paused, taking another sip of his drink. "He even stole my keys...! How could anyone like someone as rude as him?? Ugh..." The blonde sighed dramatically, hiccuping. He had invited you out to drinks after discovering that the two of you used to be in the same academia class, not knowing much else about you.

"Rude...?" You took a gulp of your own drink, letting the alcohol's warm feeling wash over you. You absentmindedly shook your head, shrugging. "I wouldn't say that."

"Say what?" Suddenly there's a voice behind you, a firm hand gripping your shoulder. Staring down at you is none other than the so-called "rude" scribe himself. Like always, he's got a book in his grip, which he has lightly in his hold. His blue-green eyes are piercing as they flick back and forth between you and the half-unconscious man next to you, his gaze growing sterner. "What are you even doing here with... him?"

"Ah... well he offered so..."

"Come with me." He grabbed your wrist, wrinkling his nose in disgust at the drunkards lying about in the bar as the two of you passed. His grip on your hand didn't lessen much, but it wasn't harsh in any way. Little to your own knowledge, Al Haitham felt more for you than he let on. Hurting you was something that he would never even think about, not even in his darkest moments.

"Where are we going?" The two of you had exited the bar, now, and were walking down the marbled path that led to who knows where.

"My place. I'll get you some water, you smell of alcohol. You can stay the night, if you want." You couldn't see his face from where you were, him dragging you along as you just followed without much thought. Your head ached, and there was this strange buzzing in your ears. You narrowed your eyes in distaste, scowling. Note to self, you thought, next time, you'd lay off the alcohol a bit more.

The jingle of keys brings you out of your thoughts. The door to Al Haitham's is swung open, and the male gestures inside before heading inside himself. When did he let go of your hand? You hadn't noticed, but now that you had, you frowned lightly at the absence of Al Haitham's warmth.

You step inside as Al Haitham closes the door behind you, taking off his jacket. You watch, almost dazed, eyes trailing from his neck to his sculpted body and chest. Is it just you, or is it kind of hot in here...? You shake your head, dispersing those thoughts, before glancing back at the grey-haired man. He's sitting down on a plush chair, a light smile gracing his lips. "Do you need any water? Food?"

"I'm okay."

"Fair enough." His smile only widened as he watched you awkwardly search for a place to sit. Al Haitham smiling was a strange sight in itself, you silently noted. "Here." He taps a hand on his thighs. "Sit in my lap." His nonchalant manner is almost enough to give you a sense of security.


"Sit." His voice turns cold, just for a moment, before he clears his throat. He glances up at you, with expectant eyes. Nervously, you make your way over before lowering yourself into his arms. He's warm, unbelievably so, and you can hear your heart rate increasing, your breath hitching. Al Haitham seems calm about the entire matter, flipping through the pages of his book with an upturned gaze. You pause a moment, before leaning back onto his chest and letting his warmth spread throughout your body. The steady beat of Al Haitham's own heart makes your way into your consciousness. It's fast too, almost startlingly so. Glancing up at the man, you aren't too surprised that none of it shows on his face. He locks eyes with you before you're able to look away, a scoffing expression almost coming across his face.

"You keep looking up at me so diligently, is there something I can help you with?" You can hear the uncharacteristic smirk in his voice.

"Not at all...! Sorry, it's just that-" Your voice gets cut off once again.

"It's getting late?" Haitham finishes, eyes deep in thought. "Yes, I suppose so." Outside, you can hear the rain start to pick up, the drops falling heavily onto the roof.

You blink heavily, staring at his face without more of a second thought. It's not long after that you're curious eyes trail from his own eyes to his plush lips, face flushed red.

Al Haitham notices, of course. Not much can escape his eyes. "Ah," he smiles. "I see what you need now."

He closes the space between the two of you in an instant, wrapping one of his sturdy arms around you and pulling you in closer as he locks you in his grasp. His lips meet yours, and the feeling of what seems like sparks flying and warmth blossoming all around your body envelops you as he only deepens the kiss. His ever-watchful eyes are trained on you, but all you can hear is the rush in your own ears.

He grins, eyes upturned as he pulls away. "Hmm, you don't seem to be satisfied yet? I suppose I'll just have to continue until you are."

Don't expect to be able to walk tomorrow.

votes and comments are much appreciated <3

thank you for reading ~ 

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