- 𝗳𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗮𝘀𝗹𝗲𝗲𝗽 𝗼𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 ♥

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:feat~ alhaitham, kaveh x gn!reader: (and they were roommates)

It's been a long day...




ALHAITHAM is flustered, but as the stone-faced man he is, he doesn't show it, nor does he ever plan to.

It's a warm afternoon in the rainforests of Sumeru, so you accompanied the familiar ashen-haired man into the House of Daena, where he had some unfinished business. You decided to come along with him, since the both of you were usually both occupied, and this was one of the few moments the two of you were semi-free. Al Haitham agreed steadily to your offer, though his face showed none of his hidden enthusiasm.

As the two of you are silently reading texts in the sunlight streaming through the canopy windows, merely enjoying the presence of one another, you suddenly start to feel dreary. Your eyelids begin growing heavy until you succumb to the weariness, head tilting and resting on Al Haitham's shoulder.

Instantly, he freezes, figure tense as he flinches lightly, before quickly glancing at you out of the corner of his vision, diamond pupils quavering. "Ah-"

"Did... Did you... fall asleep?" He sounds hesitant, not sure what to do, gaze both confused and sincere. They're warm.

Seconds pass as the silence stretches on. Quietly, he sets his book down on the table. His heart races for a moment more before his face lightens, his hand running through your hair before he kisses you on the forehead, warm touch fleeting, something he would never dare attempt if you were awake.

You can hear the smile in his voice.

"Rest well."




KAVEH is frantic, just what is he supposed to do??

The entire ordeal started off as a innocent little meetup for dinner, where you had promised to treat him to a meal. Kaveh, of course, knowing that he wouldn't have to pay a single mora, fervently accepted, taking both your hands in his and shaking them up and down with vigor. Of course, mora wasn't the only reason that he had agreed, and the blonde made a mental note to pay you back later when he had the chance to do so.

In the dim, warm lighting, all Kaveh's attention was focused on just how beautiful you were, a thought that made his mind blank.

"Should we head back to my place after this?" Archons, even your voice was a blessing to hear.

"Ah... Sure." Kaveh nodded along, too entraced with our prescence to give your question much thought.

The walk back is silent, but pleasantly so. Much to Kaveh's surprise, you had somehow gotten your hands on a goblet of wine when he wasn't looking, and now were stumbling from one foot to another, face flushed as you grinned up at the man.

"Mm, can we stop for a bit? Over there, at that bench?" You glanced up at him with half-lidded eyes.

"Y-Yes- of course!"

As the two of you sat down, you huddled up against him, smiling dreamily, eyes fluttering closed as you pressed into his warmth, mind hazy. With that, your breathing evened as you slipped into unconsciousness, head leaning against the man's chest.


"Are you... asleep?"

He stays silent, heart fluttering rapidly with your every breath. His face burns with a pleasant warmth as he stares down at you, face breaking into a smile.

"Ah, even when sleeping you're so effortlessly beautiful."

(a/n) is my kaveh favoritism showing

votes and comments are much appreciated <3

thank you for reading ~

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