- 𝘀𝗮𝗴𝗮𝘂: 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆 𝗿𝗲𝗮𝗱 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗳𝗮𝗻𝗳𝗶𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝘆𝗼𝘂 𝘄𝗿𝗼𝘁𝗲 𝗮𝗯𝗼𝘂𝘁 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 ♥

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:feat~ xiao, kazuha, heizou, scaramouche x gn!reader:

⤷ cw: obsessiveness, self aware

XIAO is perplexed, if anything.

Why would you write such things about him, of all people? In a way, he's honored that you'd think highly enough of him, but what's with this strangely flowery language? The adeptus has read his fair share of local tales, but this is nothing in comparison. Not by far.

In a way, he feels like he's intruding upon your personal information, but then again, you don't even know he's alive, do you? So as long as you stay unaware, it'd be fine, right? At least, that's what he tells himself as he reads over the text you've accidentally left open on your screen, face flushed as sudden heat rises to his cheeks.

Is this... normal? Do all humans do things like... this? Writing their fantasies down in text to satisfy themselves?

Xiao really won't ever understand the things that mortals do. The male isn't sure how to feel at all.

Do you... Do you want him to do these things to you?

Maybe that's why he keeps reading the words you granted him to read, over and over again, breath shallow.

Do you want him to whisper his praises into your ear, to confess his love to you while the two of you watch the sunset beneath the mountainous skyline? To smile at you, light glimmering within his amber eyes? To hold you in his arms, to kiss you so tenderly, just like how you wanted him to? Just like how you wrote?

Because if that's the case, he's willing to. More than willing.

A thousand, no, a million times over, he'll do it all, however many times you want.




KAZUHA is impressed at your work, and more than a little interested.

After all, the wandering poet he is, Kazuha has written quite the number of literature pieces himself, all of them about you... so he's quite enthralled when he finds out that you write about him too! He might be overthinking some things, but he's really, really excited about it... likely more than you'll ever realize.

Because to him, writing is the highest form of endearment - a way to express oneself in the truest way possible, and to discover that you've been doing that for him, well... he can't stop his heart from beating as fast as it is!

This means you feel the same way about him that he does you, right? After all, if you're writing about how much you love him, that's basically a confession, isn't it?

And If... If you asked, he would be more than willing to show you the countless poems he's written about you... some written in red ink, some in black, several smudged while others lay half-torn. Either way, all of them are for you, of you, all of them singing praises of your name and affectionate adorations of your being.

Because simply a hundred of them isn't enough, not by far, to profess his profound love for you. His love for you is an imperfect feeling that sends his heart racing and his face burning.

He'll just have to keep writing and writing until he can capture the obsessive feeling that seems to swallow him up, however long it'll take.




HEIZOU is only slightly surprised, but more so intrigued.

Who knew the creator had such a... shameful side to them? No, that'd be a disrespectful way to describe it... how about bashful? He finds it innocent, almost, which is strange.

In the first place, many wouldn't expect you to be so susceptible to such fantasies, let alone write such ideas down. And while he is somewhat shocked, it's also predictable. Heizou has analyzed your personality and character over and over, countless times over, and he knows your tendencies, all of them. This is merely a different foresight in thousands upon thousands of possibilities.

But expectation aside, Heizou can't help but keep reading what you've written about him... do you really think of the detective like this? Someone so... charming and romantic? It's flattering, almost too much so. The very thought of it, the very sight of your carefully crafted words and sentences, he can hear the way his heart thumps in his ears and the way his face is twisted into a lovesick smile.

After all, if this is what you've dreamed up of, then that's what you want him to do to you, right? Haha, ask nicely, and Heizou will be more than willing to play along with whatever you have in mind.

Ah, but you should keep in mind.

Once Heizou has a taste of what he wants, he might never stop.




SCARAMOUCHE judges you, of course.

He finds it puzzling and somewhat unsettling at the same time... why is it that you write down such stories about what he would do to you? He hasn't done a single action described in the fantasies you've written, so why do you still persist so earnestly?

...It almost disgusts him.

Of course, he'd never say it to your face... or then again, maybe he would. Scaramouche is a brash man, and that's common knowledge. After all, the strong can say whatever they want, can't they?

Still... it's oddly comforting to see you do this. And the male doesn't really know why. Maybe it's because you care for him enough to dream about these kinds of things? Or maybe it's evidence to him that you won't be another to leave him?

He's strangely conflicted, and to him, that's weakness. Both appalled and enthralled... how is he supposed to feel?

And it doesn't help that even through his whines, he keeps reading. Reading with the slightest dust of red across his cheeks and the way his breath hitches every time you've written his name. Heart skipping a beat every time his eyes scan over the sentences one more time, once more, just once more.

Is that the way you feel about him?

And why was it that he felt the same?

(a/n) oh dear my mental state is declining again wooOoOo

hey past self i got good news for you it did not, in fact, get better <333 but i am sillier now !! woop woop

votes and comments are much appreciated <3

thank you for reading ~

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