- 𝗮 𝗱𝗮𝘁𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 ♥

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:feat~ alhaitham, kaveh x gn!reader:

modern!au, just fluffy headcanons

What's a date with them like?




ALHAITHAM - Study dates ♥

Haitham's the boyfriend who... well, to put it simply, doesn't know how to act like one.

Doesn't really when or how to take initiative most times, especially when it comes to the two of you's relationship... but it's certainly not all that bad.

He's a dedicated man. And it shows whenever he texts you...in the morning and in the evening, everyday without fail - little messages that just make you feel warm.

"Good night, love. Sleep well."

"It's morning, you didn't stay up too late, did you? Text me if you're out of coffee. I'll bring you some over."

So when he texts you about possible plans... well, he's mostly just thinking of it as an excuse to spend time with you! The two of you are busy people, after all, and Haitham has barely had the chance to see you, other than quick meetups between classes... and that is certainly not enough. :(

So of course you'd readily accept!

You'll likely meet up at the library, or maybe his place.

Haitham brings a large thermos of coffee that the two of you can share! ♥

Ah, but even with all that caffeine, you still can't help but feel drowsy... and when you do succumb to the slumber, all Haitham can do is stare at your sleeping form for a solid three minutes.

When he finally recovers rom his silent shock, he quickly drapes his coat over you, letting you lean on his shoulder comfortably.

Poor Haitham can't even focus on studying afterwards.... he's too busy studying your face, jus the slightest flush rising to his cheeks...

"They're beautiful." ♥




KAVEH - Going out for dinner ♥

The dramatic boyfriend whose a lot more compassionate than you had first thought...

Kaveh's a little... emotionally confused when it comes to the two of you - since he's never done anything like this before, but he tries his best!

Likely texts you every morning, noon, and night, asking you if you've eaten, and will scold you (affectionately) if you sad you haven't.

Kaveh also messages you at abysmal hows while working on architectural projects, occasionally just texting you keyboard smashes at 3 am - He always awaits your exasperated response in the morning, it's something that'll always make him laugh.

Ah, but that aside, Kaveh is broke.

Of course, when you're the one treating him to a meal, he's more than willing to join you. However, he still always insists on returning the favor stubbornly, otherwise he'll feel guilty about it afterwards. He doesn't watch to leech of your goodwill! :(

It'll take a lot of reassurance to convince him otherwise, but eventually he'll give in and let you cover the expenses.

...But still secretly tries to order dishes on the cheaper side - and gets mad if you do the same on the occasions where he's paying.

"Eh?? Darling, why're you ordering that one? Nonono, you should get this one instead...!"

And when you insist on ordering it, Kaveh will pout like a child, cheeks puffed out and everything.

"Huu... But I just want you to have only the best...!" ♥

votes and comments are much appreciated <3

thank you for reading ~

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