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. . . warnings! manipulative ayato, yandere implications, slightly suggestive content, use of petnames, bit of a slow beginning but i wanted to build up some more plot (. . ;)

"Commissioner Kamisato is currently dealing with serious business affairs." The stone-faced guard glared down at you, dull brown eyes hateful. "I would advise you to take your leave."

The man had planted himself, along with five others, in front of the entrance to the Kamisato residence. Together, they stood, gripping their spears tightly and preparing themselves if you decided to show any form of resistance.

Sighing, you glanced from one guard to another, and seeing how no one was on your side, promptly spun around and left.

"Ugh... that person.. always coming in and asking to meet someone. If it isn't the commissioner, its Lady Ayaka... and if it's not her, it's housekeeper Thoma. Don't they have any real work to do?" You could still hear them blatantly talking behind you as you paced down the stone path. Grumbling to yourself, you decided to just forget about it. They didn't matter to you, anyway.

"W-Wait up!!" Someone called out your name behind you, a warm voice that you recognized. Turning around, you spotted Thoma, hand raised and lips raised in an awkward smile. His golden hair was ruffled from the wind, but he didn't seemed bothered by it in the least. Behind him, the sun was just beginning to dip past the hazy horizon. As he caught up to you, he slowed down his pace to match yours.

"Thoma? Haha, this is a surprise. I expected you to be out on a job somewhere in the city." Nonetheless, it was a pleasant surprise, and you could feel yourself smiling at the kind-hearted man.

"Ah-!" Thoma paused before continuing. "Well I was supposed to be out on an errand, but my lord had something to tell me. Speaking of which..." His green-eyed gaze landed on you as he cleared his throat. "I have a message from you from my lor- Ayato."

You blinked it surprise. "...Is that so? Go on then, recite it."

Thoma looked relieved, which instantly struck you as suspicious. "Ahem! The commissioner has requested that you meet him. The two of you. Tonight. In his office." You could see the blonde's face grow redder and redder as he spoke. "I-it would not be wise of you to decline."

"And I had no intention to." You smiled sweetly at the man, thoughts running through your head.

just the two of us?

The housekeeper nodded gratefully. "Now then, if you'll excuse me. I have several urgent matters to attend to. Until we meet again." With that, he swiftly bowed and walked away, giving you a little nervous grin as the two of you met eyes.

As the courtyard filled with silence once more, you stared at the gate of the residence blankly.

what the hell was that all about?

You stood there for a long time, thoughts drifting from one thing as another as you contemplated life and the universe and time itself it in its very fiber, all while standing in the middle of the path that led out the door.

...then if this world really is a simulation, then what are diseases? what am i? was i programmed to have these questioning thoughts?? and if so, for what purpose?? what higher being is controlling this deranged puppet game????

"...Ahem." Someone cleared their throat behind you, causing you to jump. Spinning around you glanced at the guard from before with wide eyes.

"Ah." Regaining your composure, you stood upright and settled into a calmer expression. "Yes?"

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