- 𝐀𝐁𝐎𝐔𝐓: 𝐋𝐎𝐕𝐄𝐑 | lyney, freminet, wriothesley, neuvillette x gn!reader

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[ their voicelines of you, their lover. ₊˚ෆ]


About: A Partner

"Now, now, Traveller, what's got you poking into my relationship affairs? Well, if you're that curious, sparing a hint or two can't hurt, surely? Alright, take a guess, and here's your clue - who's the most beautiful person in all of Fontaine?"

About: Romance

"Oh my, you've grown quite bold in your blatant curiosity, haven't you? Why, I find myself rather romantic indeed~ After all, it most undoubtedly puts a smile on their lips when I present them with a fresh bouquet of roses, does it not?"

About: First Kiss

"Ah, now that was a moment to forever remember... shall I recount the tale? Haha, Traveller, you look quite intrigued, is it really so interesting? Hmm... although, now that I think about it... perhaps it wasn't so much a "first kiss" and more of a stolen one? Now now, you can't blame me, they simply looked so enrapturing in the sun-kissed light after one of my opening shows that I couldn't help but sweep them into my arms and kiss them!"



About: A Partner

"A lover...?? Ah, Traveller... h-how did you find out....? N-No, I certainly don't mind you knowing! It's uhm... just... well, private affairs? Ahaha... O-oh, is my face red? S-Sorry!"

About: Romance

"Oh no... I don't think I'm all that romantic, honestly...! It's obvious that I'm not exactly a very straightforward or... confident person, it's just my nature? It took a long time to muster up the courage to confess, and it'll take a lot out of me to- E-Eh?? H-Have we kissed?? T-Traveller, m-maybe let's save those kinds of questions for later?

About: First Kiss

"I-I figured this inquiry would arise eventually... hah, it's alright, probably. L-Let me think back- no, of course I wouldn't forget! I-It'd be more of a challenge to erase it from my memory... it was after I taught them how to dive, a-and while they were looking at the sealife I had secretly picked a Romaritime flower for them... Once we got out of the water, I gifted the flower to them and they were so excited they k-kissed me, right here... o-on the cheek... N- What do you mean that doesn't count??"



About: A Partner

"...What, do I look like someone incapable of having one? I'm joking, okay, so don't look so apologetic all of a sudden... I'm sorry, the question took me by surprise. You see, no one ever questions you about your relationship status, dot hey? Either way, I do have one... though I trust you won't trouble them about it?"

About: Romance

"Haha... ah... if you're asking for romantic activities... does... sharing a word over tea count? It's the modest, every day occurrences that really make the difference, aren't they? It can be quiet, it can be lively, but either way, as long as I can find myself sitting on a chair positioned next to theirs, with our hands intertwined under the shade of the table, words won't even have to be shared. Their warmth alone is enough."

About: First Kiss

"I think the day when it happened might've been my happiest. That morning before I left for the Fortress I had told them I wanted to see them at work, and how taxing it was, being apart from their presence... But I seriously didn't believe it when they showed up, knocking on my office door with that sly grin. And then the nerve to kiss me as I was trying to focus on paperwork, just how arrogant is that? Hah, as if could ever see them in that light... although the true chore was hiding from Siegewinne when she burst in not even a second later, jumping about..."



About: A Partner

"What is it? You're free to speak any concer- ah? A... lover, you say? Yes, it's true I have one... But don't tell the Melusines this, alright? They have a bad habit of sharing misinformation... and I'd certainly hate it if any inconvenience were to come upon my lover."

About: Romance

"Ahem... I don't exactly... understand the concept of this "romance" you speak of, Traveller. I've found myself often questioning the actions of mortals, but nonetheless they are beautiful in their own rights. Ultimately, shouldn't it be sufficient enough just to see them happy in my presence? That is all I dearly wish for.

About: First Kiss

"Do you truly feel no shame in asking such private questions? ...I'll be lenient, just this once, since I'd like to speak about them as well. And if I were to answer the question obvious in your gaze... well, it was them who kissed me first, not the other way around. Ah, is that disappointment I sense? It's not that I'd hope our story is unique, it's simple and sweet, and I am perfectly content with it. An afternoon relieved of my ludex duties to roam about the city, drinking tea while watching the sun set, the words shared that day, and the light that danced in their eyes as they kissed me... Yes, I simply would not have it any other way."

votes and comments are much appreciated <3

thank you for reading ~

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