- 𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗮𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗶𝗿 𝗳𝗼𝗼𝗱 ♥

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:feat~ alhaitham, kaveh x gn!reader:

"Wh- Hey, are you stealing my food??"




ALHAITHAM quietly notices, but doesn't particularly mind.

So, he doesn't point it out, and merely watches with an air of amusement how you're attempting to "sneakily" snatch the food of his plate when his gaze is "averted."

Of course, he's only acting to see how you'll react.

For someone like Al Haitham, whose job is as predictable as a straight line, someone as interesting as you immediately made him intrigued - the way you move, the way you speak, how you present yourself, the way you smile... all of it has enraptured him.

To the point where he can't take his multicolored eyes off of you, you're just so... fascinating.

Just like now, how you were quietly giggling to yourself and at the diminishing amount of food on his plate, while the ashen-haired man seemed to remain oblivious to it all. Haitham, who just sat there, the most minuscule smile appearing on his expression - a rare sight indeed, arms crossed as he watched you with a slightly smug aura.

Still, it seems you're not all that stupid. The more you take, the more you glance up at the man's calm expression, the more confused you begin to look... and that confusion soon blooms into suspicion, and then, finally, realization.

"You've noticed, haven't you...?" You stare at him, the slightest pout forming on your lips.

"Noticed what?"

"You- Are you really..." A sigh. "You know what I'm talking about."

"Do I, now?"

His short answers, words that reveal nothing, are starting to irritate you. And when you stay silent for the count of three, Haitham merely shrugs his shoulders, pushing his chair back.

"As it seems that I've finished my meal, I'll be leaving." Flicking his gaze to his nearly empty plate, he can barely hold back his amusement from creeping into his voice as he stands up, starting to walk out.

"What?? Wait-" Latching onto his arm, face flushed, you glance up at him with wide eyes. "Archons, Haitham, it was a joke!"

"I know. And so was that."

Then he sits back down just as quickly, not bothering to remove your hold from his wrist, the small smirk on his face growing.

"Did you really think I wouldn't notice?" ♥




KAVEH doesn't notice at first, mostly due to the fact that he's already downed several goblets of alcohol.

It's late at night, but you can't even tell, since the two of you are sitting at a table in the dimly lit establishment, the mixed hubbub and laughing chatter almost drowning out the outside world. The blonde male had finished a long-awaited building project, and you had decided to treat him to a meal and a couple drinks as celebration.

A couple drinks.

He's obliviously ranting away, words about "Haitham" and "Irritating" spilling out of his mouth. In his wavering hand, sloshing about is his... what, third drink, now? You've already lost count, merely smiling and nodding along as the male continues to sputter all the annoyances he's ever experienced, face flushed.

Meanwhile, you are busy eating to your hearts content, cheerfully taking Kaveh's food whenever he's looking the other way. Do you feel any guilt? Somewhat, but...

It's not like he'd be able to stomach anything solid with all of the alcohol he'd drank, right?

You're basically doing him a favor - after all, isn't food waste a large-scale problem? Ah, but Kaveh still is perceptive, even with his mind all clouded.

"Hey... wait..." Kaveh's voice is slurred. "W...Where'd m...my food go?" The way his crimson eyes are almost tearing up as he shakes his head several times, staring at his plate with the most puzzled and remorseful expression. He glances around the room, squinting, almost as if his missing food had grown legs and walked away, and that he would be able to find it somewhere.


He sounds so heartbroken it makes you feel bad.

"Ahaha..." All you can do is laugh nervously.

"...Ah, but I could've sworn... I ordered... hm, whatever..." With that, he takes another large sip of his drink.

At least he wouldn't remember any of this tomorrow. ♥

(a/n) just realized that without context, that last line could be interpreted a very different way-

good lord past self what are you on !? (insert fearful emoji)

votes and comments are much appreciated <3

thank you for reading ~

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