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. . . warnings! yandere scara, enemies to lovers, mean scara, tw kidnapping, tw drugging. please read with caution, as these topics may be upsetting! thank you.

"I hate you making me feel this way."

"But now you can't leave me, okay?"



"Leave me alone already."

"I could say the same about you," you retorted, returning the male's glare.

He huffed. "You're so annoying..."

"It's not like you're not."

Scaramouche growled, his scowl only deepening. "Why did I have to get stuck with you, of all people?"

"Don't ask me. It wasn't my choice." You scoffed, frowning.

You and Scaramouche always bickered. It was nothing out of the ordinary. It was not like you hated each other, although maybe you two did, but your personalities just clashed. Since the time Scaramouche had ordered you to go fetch something and you had told him, "Why should I?" he had immediately grown to dislike you.

Maybe dislike was too complacent of a word.

Resent would likely fit better.

Still, he hadn't gotten out of his way to hurt you, at least not yet. It was comfort, albeit quite the pathetic one, that you kept shamefully close to your heart.

And now you were stuck with him on a Fatui mission to investigate something that you weren't paying attention to. Great. Even though it was painfully silent on the way there, you only knew it would get more awkward from here on out.

"What are you staring at me for?" Scaramouche caught your gaze and glared at you, violet eyes burning with malice. "What, have you suddenly decided that I've caught your eye?"

"Never in a million years," you hissed instantly, face going a little red at his accusation. "I would rather die."

He only scoffed, rolling his eyes with contempt, then went silent. The rest of the day was just as troublesome, with you trying to start conversations and him just shutting you down every time. Needless to say, you were able to make it through the day with relative... ease. The two of you stopped on the side of the road and made camp, setting up two tents and placing a bonfire in the middle that blazed with curls of orange flame.

"Here." He handed you a cup of violet liquid, expression unreadable. When you sniffed the drink with confusion, he sneered. "It's lavender melon juice, idiot."

You had your doubts about the swirling purple liquid, but he was nice enough to give you something to drink, and you were feeling pretty thirsty after a full day of traveling, so without much of a second thought, you drunk the entire thing in a couple of gulps.

The taste was tangy, semi-sweet, and strangely bitter. It didn't remind you too much of lavender melon, but the flavor still resembled it somewhat. Now that the entire thing had been stomached, you were feeling a bit more comfortable. You gave the man a lopsided smile. "Ah... thanks?"

He didn't say anything from where he sat, not even taking a drink from his own cup, he just sat there and stared at you with a strained gaze that made you confused. "...Is something wrong?"

"No, nothing." Setting aside his untouched cup, he stood and began searching the luggage for something. You watched him awkwardly, not sure what else to do, but you were feeling... uncomfortable. It was a strange sensation, the feeling of something swirling about in your stomach and an unusual warmth spreading about your body. Frantically blinking your eyes in an attempt to stay awake, you could already feel your body swaying underneath you as everything spiraled to black.

⋆。゚☁︎。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆


where am i?

Blinking open your eyes hazily, you found yourself in a dark space, the only light being the faint glow of a lantern in the far corner of the room. Your head felt... cloudy, your thoughts muddled. Trying to stand up, you realized that you were chained to the wall with iron shackles that burned against your wrists.

"Looks like you're finally awake."

There he was, smirking with upturned lilac eyes, his eyes glimmering with a cruel light. He looked better than he had in a long while, in a deranged way. His clothes were crumpled and stained with a reddish substance that had partly dried, and there were cuts along the fabric. Still, he grinned at you from where he stood over you, his large hat casting a dark shadow over his expression.

"What... Scaramouche...?" You flinched as he took his chin in his hands, examining your face with a sneer. "Where- Why-"

"Clueless as ever, aren't you?" He smiled, an expression that would've made you flustered if it hadn't been so dire of a situation. "This is where you're going to live with me from now on. As for why, maybe you shouldn't have trusted me so easily." Scaramouche laughed, a cold sound that echoed around the chambers. "It certainly did make things easier things for me though."


"Yes, yes, I know. You're going to scream and cry and beg for me to take you back." He sighed, feigning a pitiful expression. "Too bad for you, that's not going to happen, dear. You're mine. You're all mine. No one else should be able to lay eyes upon you."

"I thought you hated me...!"

"Oh, don't get me wrong. I do. But at the same time, no one else deserves you. Only me. That's why I'll never allow you to leave. Never. Without you, I am nothing. No one else matters more to you than me. Isn't that right, darling?"

"You- You're sick-!"

"Aw, come on now. Don't disrespect my feelings for you."

"After all, you're going to be here for a long time, so you'll have to get used to it."

votes and comments are much appreciated <3

thank you for reading ~

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