𝐖𝐇𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐘 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑! - 𝐱𝐢𝐚𝐨, 𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐭𝐨, 𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐨

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. . . warnings!  fluff, established relationship (xiao) <3 i told you these were old SOBS. these were based off of the 2023 white day official art of them ! intentional lowercase ( i grow out of that phase soon enough dw )

xiao <3

he hasn't forgotten the gift you gave him a month ago.

it was just a small pouch of handmade chocolates, yet he was moved by the honesty of the present. he hadn't understood valentine's day, and he still doesn't, but from what he's heard from hu tao and zhongli, a month after february 14th comes white day, where he'll give you a gift himself.

at least, that was what the two of them suggested.

and he intended to follow that advice. remembering the warm, unusual but pleasant feeling that had arose through his body when you had handed him the sweets, smiling softly... he wanted to give you that feeling too. he wanted to make you as happy as you had made him, in that moment.

and xiao isn't a great cook, not by any means, but he tries his best to learn. with the help of several friends and the wangshu inn boss, verr goldet, he manages to make... a presentable gift. when he gives it a small taste test, it seems to be edible, at least, and still somewhat retains its intended heart shape. it's a little oddly colored, wobbly in some parts, but he's satisfied with it.

and so the day finally comes. he's prepared a speech, or more like a couple sentences, to say to you, if you're willing to hear it.

"love. i have something for you."

"oh, xiao! and you really don't have to-"

"you gave me a gift, so i have to return the favor." his face his flushed red from where he's hiding it with his gloved hand desperately, his other hand holding out the small wrapped pouch that he had spent hours on trying to tie on the perfect beaded ribbon. "h-here. take it."

you gingerly held the bag, as if it might disappear, then stared up at the red-faced man with eyes full of wonder. "this... this is for me?"

"d-don't get any wrong ideas. it was only because adepti... adepti honor the holidays of you mortals."

you laugh, a delightful sound that only causes the male to redden deeper.


ayato <3

there's a fact that's not known to many - and it's that commissioner kamisato ayato actually is quite fond of sweets.

it's something you learn with time as you gradually note how every time you visit the kamisato estate, ayato always has some form of chocolate, mochi, even candy, the kind that inazuman kids eat, in a little round dish on his desk.

so when feburary rolls around, you decide to gift ayato something. you're not exactly sure what, but it's going to be sweet. and what better fitting than some valentine's day chocolate? it takes a bit of work, though to be fair, you do know your way about the kitchen slightly better than the average person. not much of an advantage, but an advantage nonetheless.

and when the 14th comes and you present your finished treats to the azul-haired man himself, his reaction surprises you. with sparkling eyes, he gently takes the pouch from you, before glancing at you, then back at the gift.

"for me? really?"

"yep! hopefully you'll like it." you grin sheepishly. "this was my first time making this sort of thing, so if it doesn't taste great, just tell me. i can always try and make another batch, if that's what you want."

"don't worry, i'll like it."

and since then, for the past month, he's been thinking about that moment. he wants to pay you back, but not just that. he wants to let you know that he did appreciate it. all of it.

hence, he's come up with a solution - to gift you chocolates himself.

he's lucky that white day is quite the popular holiday in inazuma, otherwise he wouldn't have the excuse to pull it off. he contacts you beforehand, and you respond your agreement to meet up, completely oblivious.

"this. this is for you, sweet." he smiles softly while he says the name, placing the small gift in your outstretched palms. he takes note of every expression that flits across your face - confusion, then surprise, finishing off with a happy yet flustered gaze. he knew you too well, well enough to read your face like a book.

"me?" even as you ask it, you take the pouch and hold it tightly in your hands, eyes wide with the suddenness of it all.

"who else? of course i meant you, the most beautiful and kind person in the whole of teyvat."

itto <3

itto... is an interesting case.

you're fond of him, that much is true. and you're good friends with him also - the two of you are close. yet why does he always... try to impress you?

at first its almost unnoticeable. he reports to you about his wins and mutters his losses at the end of each day, where you're nodding along, already half asleep.

but after you give him some homemade chocolates for valentine's, that behavior had spiked. whenever you saw him, which was often, he would only recount to you about how he had beaten this one child and how he won this and that and how kuki had made him return whatever he had taken as his victory spoils... it wasn't annoying, per say, but you did wish to know why he was doing all of this.

itto just wants to impress you, is all.

he's been wanting to pay you back after you gifted him those chocolates on valentine's, but he just hasn't found the right thing! - until now. itto isn't a man who really follow schedules, a calendar, or reason, but he does somehow know that white day is coming up, a holiday that was sort of like reverse valentine's. and that meant he could finally pay that debt.

"hey hey! you free this afternoon?" itto inquires of you in the morning, while you just stare at him, groggy-eyed and still off floating somewhere in sleep mode.

"huh? yeah... i'm free." you yawn, an action that makes itto inexplicably happy.

"then let's meet at the back of shimura's after he closes up, okay? you got that? don't forget!" with that, he runs off, sending you a little wave on the way out, a silly grin stretching across his face.

when the sun finally reaches its peak in the sky, itto is restless. it's a feeling he doesn't experience often, partly because how his life works and partly because of his behavior. he's usually carefree in just about anything, so really, this is a first.

and you do show up. just the thought itself brings a smile onto the white-haired man's face as he coughs into his hand before bringing out the bouquet of wildflowers that he picked for you off the shores and islands of inazuma, along with more than a several brightly colored sweet treats.

"this is a thank you!" itto grinned, shoving the things into your arms, crimson eyes sparkling.

"i-i can't accept this much-!"

"no wayyyy! psh, c'mon. do it for me?" the oni makes a pouty face, staring at you with his pitiful expression.

"fine. ...thank you." in the sunlit area, your surprised yet flushed expression is as sweet as the candy he's just given you.

"haha, happy white day!"

votes and comments are much appreciated <3

thank you for reading ~

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