- 𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲, 𝗯𝗲 𝗺𝘆 𝗯𝗼𝘆𝗳𝗿𝗶𝗲𝗻𝗱!! ♥

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synopsis: ah, poor reader's crush won't notice them!! the solution? ask your guy friend to pretend to be your partner, and perhaps that'll get them jealous... except-!? 

⤷ cw: fluff, highschool!au, possesive + overprotectiveness, ykyk the whole package

"C'mon, just for one week...?"




"Have you finally gone mad?"

XIAO's words come out as more of a scoff, if anything. You can see the way that his expression forms a scowl that he's less than pleased at your suggestion. "You want me to fake date you for a week?"

Sheepish, you nod. "...Please?"

"Because you want your 'crush' to get jealous?" You don't get why he's put that in quotations, but you nod along, slightly confused. Xiao's expression only darkens, for some inexplicable reason. What, have you done something to offend him?

Desperate, you recall your last resort. "Well," you begin, voice unsteady as you try to sound as nonchalant as possible. With a shrug, you sigh. "If you're not willing, I can always find someone e-"

"I'll do it."

Ah, there was the Xiao you knew. Aloof, yes. Cold, yes. But not willing to admit he was inferior to anyone - especially when it regarded you.

So there, your plan was complete. Act like Xiao was your boyfriend, and then maybe they would finally notice you... except, why do you get the feeling that Xiao was forgetting his purpose?

It's not anything major, not by a long shot, but you find it strange how he's suddenly grown so clingy, as if pretending to be your partner somehow enhanced the relationship between the two of you. He walks you to every one of your classes, and insists on coming over to your house for study sessions, and while you don't particularly dislike it, it is awkward, seeing him act so intimate even with no eyes watching.

But... this was all normal, right? He was just normalizing himself with his role, so there was nothing to concern yourself over. That's what you chided to yourself whenever these moments occurred again and again, until one day, you accidentally brush hands with the male while trying to pass him some papers, and he practically jumps away from your touch. He doesn't apologize afterwards, but you can see how he's more cautious around you, sometimes catching his gaze lingering on you for far too long while a sheepish red creeps over his cheeks... and the way he glances at his own hand so gingerly is something peculiar all together.

However, none of that prepared you when the next week, the last day of the promised agreement, Xiao asks to talk to you. Alone.

"Xiao, what's up?" He hasn't spoken yet, and the silence is suffocating.

"Can we... not pretend any longer?"

And for a moment, everything seems to stop. Time itself halts as the only thing you can hear is your own shallow inhale and exhale. His voice cuts through the moment. "I'm tired of pretending, wanting something that isn't mine. Something that I can never have."

"Something... that can never be yours...?" It's hard to speak, like something is in your throat, but you manage to.

"Yes. You."

Ah, how could you not return his words when he gazes into your eyes with such adoration?

"...Xiao, it's not entirely impossible."

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