- 𝘀𝗮𝗴𝗮𝘂: 𝗽𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘀𝗲, 𝗱𝗼𝗻𝘁 𝗹𝗲𝗮𝘃𝗲 𝘂𝘀. ♥

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:feat~ alhaitham, kaveh, cyno, tighnari

(warnings~ obsessive behavior + angst )

Lately, you've been playing a lot more Honkai Star Rail...




ALHAITHAM is jealous.

Which is new to him, as someone who just about has everything he could need. Everything, that is, except for you.

It's nearly been a week since you last logged on.

And that scares him. He knows he should trust you, but the mere thought of you leaving him is enough to make the acting grand tremble. You are his light, and without you, he is dead - nothing.

It's cold.

He misses your warmth. Your happy laughs and snide remarks he witnesses as you play and read through dialogue, seeing your bright smile through your front camera, all of it unbeknownst to you.

But, all this time, did that mean nothing to you?

Oh, but all of a sudden, is that you? You're finally back! The scribe can't hold back his smile, eyes sparkling as you start to load in. He can feel your comforting presence, something that invigorates him, such a simple thing, yet it fills him with the will to live.

Ah, but something is different.

Who's this Dan Heng you keep mumbling about with such a... dreamy expression?

No, that couldn't be right. That look was reserved for him only. How could you think of someone else with that gaze?

Oh, so this is what jealousy feels like.




KAVEH is baffled.

Confused. I mean, is it really all that much to make a fuss about? Sure, you haven't logged on in a while, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.

He's confident that you won't leave him! Because, after all, you said it yourself... something along the lines of "SDFJSDFKLSDJFLK I LVOE KAVEH SO MCUH FDJSGLK" ...Or, at least, that was what you had texted over the chat feature to one of your in game friends.

He adores you, so it's only natural that he praises every word you speak!

Ah, but what's this new game on your device?

Honkai... Star Rail?

I-Is this what you've been spending all your time on? Time spent without him?

But why?

It's only then that Kaveh notices.

The new way you've begun to act whenever you occasionally log on, the way you're growing distracted, the way you sigh as you collect your daily commissions, the way you barely glance at his way, almost tired of the game that he's in...

It's okay, Kaveh tells himself, staring at the ground. The room is dark, and he hasn't eaten in days, body shaking.

They'll come around again.

They always do.




CYNO is reconsidering.

All his life, he knows that what he's been doing is in the light of justice. All his life, he's known that he is in the right. All his life, he has not doubted his path.


"My Eminence, where have you gone?"

The world was so barren without you. You were incomparable, the pure life that radiated from your being gave him a sense of elation that he had never experienced before. It was a honey-like feeling that was shamefully addicting.

Was it his fault that you had left? He should've changed for you.

Perhaps he had missed your subtle signs, perhaps you were upset at him - he had to have done something wrong, otherwise, why would this have happened?

"I'm sorry." His distraught hands hid his expression, his crystal tears, as he knelt before his shrine to you - a secret oblation that he held in his heart, with things he treasured. A lock of your hair, a page from your notebook, a jewel pendant that you had left behind... they were such items that he disgracefully cherished.

"I'll do better, I promise. I'll do anything."

So please, let me see you one more time.




TIGHNARI is acceptant.

He's knowledgeable in so many things... the wildlife of Sumeru's rainforest, countless antidotes... he knows the forest like the back of his hand.

Despite that, he comprehends you more. He knows what makes you smile, what makes you irritated, all of it - because he loves you, even though he knows he shouldn't.

You're someone that's off limits to a person who's as lowly as him, as insignificant. Truly, he doesn't deserve to even be in your presence, but it's too impossibly warm to resist. After all, the savior is just that benevolent, and your radiance blinds him.

He's not good enough.

That's all that can ring through his head when he's with you. And it's true to him, because you are perfect in his eyes, and in the eyes of the world. Yet his heart still dares to shamefully race whenever you smile.

So it only makes sense if you leave.

At first, it did come as a surprise, but not much of one. Because he knows he deserved it, and that he was never worthy of your attention in the first place.

Still, his heart aches. But if you're content, then so is he. Who is Tighnari to argue with your divine judgment?

So, he understands. He understands that you grew tired of him.

Ah, but still, he dares hold a small shred of hope that you'll come back to see him again.

Is that so sinful?

this was written around the time hsr first launched and everyone went. F E R AL L. i myself included <33

votes and comments are much appreciated <3

thank you for reading ~

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