- 𝘀𝗮𝗴𝗮𝘂: 𝘄𝗵𝗮𝘁 𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗱 𝗼𝗳 𝗮𝗰𝗼𝗹𝘆𝘁𝗲 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝘆? ♥

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:feat~ diluc, childe, kaeya, zhongli x gn!reader:

. . . warnings! SAGAU, obsessive behavior, cult!au, generally dark-ish themes

DILUC is just about as dedicated as they come.

And while his schedule is tightly packed, he spends every free minute he has by your side... Just listening to your voice energizes him more than any amount of rest will! No matter what has happened in the hours prior, everything, all worries, just seem to wash away when he faces your holy presence!

You are a pure, perfect being in his eyes.

Every breath, every step you take, should be heralded as a gift.

The only thing stopping him from abandoning all of his duties and staying with you for every waking second is... well, you, who insists that he has to do his work too. And if he disobeyed that order, you'd be upset at him, and he certainly can't have the creator like that! If you glared at him... told him that you despised him... well, Diluc might as well just die.

Because he lived for you, and if you found him useless, then that was just what he was. He was what you determined he was.

And that fact almost reassured him.

"Diluc... you have to make sure not to overwork yourself." His head is in your lap, eyes blissfully closed as you comb your fingers through his fluffy red hair.

"Right now, I feel better than I ever have, my savior." ♥




Blissfully loyal CHILDE.

Who trails after you all day, every day, wanting to help you in any way he can! It was your voice that spoke to him, comforted him in his darkest times, it was you, the miracle who saved his existence. He doesn't even want to imagine what'd he be like if you weren't there for him... Most likely still, cold... with noone to bury his sorry corpse.

So now, he has to repay you, no matter what. He can't just take your kindness for granted!!

After all, without you, he wouldn't even be here. So, he's dedicated himself to you, his life, his love, to do something, anything to benefit you.

It doesn't matter if the other fatui members and cultists think ill of him - because they don't matter. All that matters is you, you who is always on his mind.


"Yes, my majesty?"

"I don't know what'd I do without you."

His eyes widen, just by a fraction, and his steady breathing hitches.

Has his heart stopped? Was this the afterlife? How come he couldn't hear anything anymore?

"...I..." He can barely utter a word, and it's less than a whisper.

"Is it so selfish that I want you all to myself?" ♥




Overprotective KAEYA, who can't stand it when other cultists try to take his place.

And why should he stay silent? He has to make sure his position by your side will never change, otherwise, you might tired of him!

His flirtatious side hides his more desperate one - desperate for your attention. Your affection - your shy touches. He wants you, all of you.

But he can't be so selfish and hasty. After all, the Savior has blessed millions and earned countless devout followers, and he's just one of many.

Still, a small part of him has hope.

Hope that maybe, just maybe, he's special to you.

He could be that greedy, at least, right?

The greed that fuels his racing, aching, heart whenever he's by your side, listening to your beautiful voice with a love-sick smile.

"Kaeya, don't you ever get tired of following me around? You should have some time for yourself... am I being a bother...?" You sheepishly glance at the blue-haired man whose walking next to you, shoulder brushing against yours.

"Never, for as long as I live, will that ever happen." ♥




Unwavering ZHONGLI, who will follow you to the grave and beyond if you will it.

For you, he'd do anything.

And that's no understatement.

Ever since the death of his past lover, he had grieved, conspired against the heavens, let hatred run amok in his heart. He had directed his sorrows toward you, set his sharp gaze to you, and sought to seek revenge. Sought to seek answers.

Why had she died?

What had she done wrong?

Why did you have to take her away from me?

But all of his troubles seemed to dissolve when you descended. It was as soon as he saw you in person, eyes glittering with unspeakable knowledge and the air of absolute fragility - as if one misspoken word could fracture you, forever.

And since that day, he had sworn to repent. Sworn to be by your side until the end of time.

"Zhongli, why do you always act so indebted to me? You're free to act more comfortably, if you like." You glanced at his form as he poured you a cup of tea. The man only smiled in return, before staring up at you with his seemingly golden eyes.

"You are my savior, and you deserve to be treated as such." ♥

votes and comments are much appreciated <3

thank you for reading ~

for reference tumblr nation this was during my bailu theme </3 its been so long since ive stepped foot in hsr omg

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