- 𝗽𝗲𝗿𝗳𝗲𝗰𝘁. ♥

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:feat~ yandere!albedo:

. . .  WARNINGS!  yandere, obsessive behavior, murder and mentions of restraints !! please read with caution <3

You are perfect in his eyes. Perfect. Everything about you is flawless. You are a blessing, a holy thing that should never be soiled by someone as lowly as him. The humor that you hide behind sparkling eyes, the delicate way you smile at him, almost painfully so, it reminds him of himself. The porcelain you that could shatter at the wrong word. You are light, you are warmth, and yet, you are still his everything.

He lives for you, as selfish as it may be. His restless nights are spent wasting away, wishing he was by your side, and his days are spent with you, basking in your warm, sun-like presence.

Albedo's memory has stored away every precious second the two of you have spent together. The way your arm brushes against his, the way your smiling face is subtly dusted with the slightest flush when you see him, he sees it all, and it makes his heart race sinfully quickly.

Ah, if only those innocent days could last forever.

Yet how could Albedo be content with just that? A synthetic human who has gained emotions - just about anyone would laugh, but it was true. He was selfish, and he embraced it. Because if that selfishness made it so that he'd be by your side forever, just him and you, then by all means, he would do it all.

Then, is that why you find yourself locked in the cellar of some godforsaken place in who knows where? Is that why Albedo smiles so happily upon seeing that you've finally awoken? Is that why he leaps forward, embracing you in a hug, yet you feel the reason to fearfully recoil?

Maybe it was. It wasn't his place to decide.

One day, he'll sort out his thoughts, one way or another. After all, now, he had all the time in the world to be with you, side by side, until the end of time.

He had already taken countermeasures to make sure none of the filthy pests you called "friends" would go out of their way to seek you. It was unfortunate, seeing you run into his lab with tears pooling in your eyes, but then you'd run forward and embrace him, letting your tears stain his coat.

And so what else could he do but stay silent, merely whispering words of reassurance into your ears, returning the hug tightly? You weren't able to see his smile at the time, the way his face contorted and his cold eyes widened with pure delight.

"What's wrong, darling? Are you uncomfortable?" His eyes are too bright, his smile too giddy, all of it feels unnatural, and it gives you shivers. He presses his face to your clasped hands, kissing them. "I'm sorry I can't take these shackles off of you, but it's for your own good. Yes, that extends to the gag on your mouth as well. It's a shame to be unable to hear your voice, but I have my reasons."

"After all, if you escaped, how much trouble would that be? Darling, you'd break my heart!"

"Ah, let's forget about those trivial matters..." He shakes his head dismissively, hands now holding yours. "I trust you. I trust that you wouldn't do that to me."

"And since we'll be together forever, until the end of time, it's only natural that one day, inevitably, you'll feel something for me too."

"So until then, I'll just have to wait patiently, won't I?"

"Oh, but I suppose all of this is new to you. You've never seen this side of me before, have you?"

"Then I'll let you in on a little hint, darling. I'm not as patient as I seem~"

votes and comments are much appreciated <3

thank you for reading ~

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