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. . . warnings! tw needles, dottore is pretty cold to you at the start, innocent/clueless reader, use of petnames

"Tch. Crying already?" Dottore's voice was cold and cruel. You could tell he was making a displeased look, even under his mask. The way the corners of his lips pointed downwards whenever he was upset, and the slight rigidity of his figure... it had taken you a while to get used to. A tense, gloved hand gripped your shoulder in a way you wish you could describe was gentle. As you stilled, he clucked his tongue approvingly, and you could hear the smile in voice. "That's a good darling." Readying his syringe that was filled with semi-clear blue fluid, his mouth formed a smirk.

Just seeing the metallic, repulsive tip made your skin crawl. Tears began pooling at your eyes again as you trembled. "D-Do we really have to-"

"Be quiet." Dottore's voice came out as a snarl as you felt his gaze bore into you menacingly. Flinching, you clamped your hands over your mouth immediately, but the tears just couldn't stop. They spilled down from your eyes and landed on the floor like little raindrops.

A burst of pain surged through your body as Dottore, without warning, inserted the syringe and emptied out the fluid in your veins. It hurt, and not in a dull way, but in a sharp manner. Fear gripped your heart, and your breath hitched, eyes wide. As the last of the blue liquid was dispensed, the man withdrew the needle and smiled. "There we go. That wasn't so hard, was it?"

"D-Doctor could I have a bandag-"

"Yes, yes. Always so impatient, it seems." Dottore sounded exasperated, but strided over to the white cabinets lined on the wall and rummaged about for a minute or two. "Here." He stated, handing you a bandage and watched you put it on yourself.

Letting out a sigh of relief that it was finally over, you blinked at Dottore with your doe eyes. "Doctor, doctor, when will the shots finally be over?"

"Ah..." Dottore seemed to ponder that for a moment as a smirk made its way across his face. "As much as I'd like to say, not long, and smile at you, that isn't the case." The man paused as he saw your figure sag. "It's just that you're such an obedient little patient that I couldn't bear to let you go."

He laughed under his breath as he saw you immediately perk up. "Really, doctor?"

Dottore hummed his satisfaction, stepping forward and running a hand through your hair, an almost innocent movement if you didn't know who you were facing. "Yes, really. I'll never let you leave my side."

"Hehe, thanks...?" You weren't exactly sure if it was a compliment, but you thanked the blue-haired man nonetheless. From where you sat, swinging you legs back and forth on the metal examining table, Dottore's six foot figure towered over you intimidatingly. "Speaking of which... doctor, how come you never take off your mask?"

"Ah..." Dottore had expected this question eventually, knowing your curious nature. Yet, he still paused to let his thoughts wander.

"Oh!" Suddenly, your eyes grew sad. "Is it because you're sick?"

Dottore chuckled deeply and shook his head, smiling. "No, darling. I'm not sick at all. My face is a part of my past to which I have left behind."


There was a moment of silence as Dottore began scribbling something down on a pad of paper. His handwriting was nearly unintelligible, and you were only able to catch snippets of the words, exceptional and perfect. You weren't really sure why he was writing these things about you, but they sounded like he was praising you, so you didn't think twice about it. After all, it surely wasn't often that Dottore was this nice to you. Today was already a blessing in itself.

"Then..." You began, glancing at Dottore as he looked up from his paper. "Do you get lonely sometimes?"

The man seemed at a loss for words, only shaking his head and saying, "I'm not quite sure what you mean."

"Well, you said you left behind your past, right? Won't your friends and family miss you a lot?" You cocked your hand innocently at the blue-haired man as he let out a guttural laugh.

"Ahaha...! Family and friends, you say... now that's a new one."


"I don't need them. Not anymore. Not when I have you, my lovely specimen." Dottore smiled at you sweetly, a look of obsession clouding his red-eyed gaze.

"So you wouldn't ever leave me, would you?"

"I would never dream of it."

"That's my darling experiment."

votes and comments are much appreciated <3

thank you for reading ~

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