- 𝗰𝗮𝘂𝗴𝗵𝘁 𝗶𝗻 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗿𝗮𝗶𝗻 ♥

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ew the font of the title is so ugly i dont know why may 2 of 2023 me had the hots for it blegh

:feat~ xiao, kazuha, scaramouche x gn!reader: (modern!au)

. . .warnings!  none <3

"Demons do not stop for the rain. Move."

That's what XIAO grumbles to you as the two of you huddle underneath the storefront awning, striped red and white. Outside, raindrops fall from the dark, hazy clouds onto the pavement, the sound of pitter patter-ing filling the silence.

"Are you pretending not to hear me?" Almost instantly, you can feel a pair of piercing golden eyes fix on you.

You protest immediately, whipping around so you can face him more defiantly, "Xiao, you are not making me walk out there by myself and get absolutely soaked."

The said man hisses, glare intensifying. "There's only one umbrella, and it's mine."

"Then we'll just have to share it, won't we?"

Those lilting words earn you a moment of begrudging silence from the man, who simply stands there, seemingly stunned.

After a couple of hesitant seconds, he lets out a lengthy sigh, reaching out with a sturdy arm and pulling you closer to his side. The slight flush on his cheeks is undeniable as his warmth spreads throughout your body.

"Fine, but just this once." ♥




"Taking a stroll in the middle of a downpour certainly rouses the spirit... but it's best to dry your clothes as soon as possible after the rain stops."

KAZUHA chuckles light-heartedly at his words, smiling at you warmly.

"We're bound to get soaked anyway, so why not do it intentionally?"

He extends his hand toward you as the two of you stand at the school entrance, watching the rest of the students file out with umbrellas and raincoats. Clueless you... bringing an umbrella hadn't even crossed your mind when you looked at the churning clouds just this morning.

Without another second of consideration, you took his hand with gratitude, letting him pull you out under the shelter of the school and out onto the sidewalk with ease. Instantly, you could feel the pelting raindrops soak your clothes, but you couldn't care less. Kazuha smiled upon seeing your elated mood, taking your hands and twirling you about in a flurry.

"As I thought, spending time with you is worth more than anything else." ♥




"You want to use my hat as an umbrella? Hmph, the audacity to even make the request..."

SCARAMOUCHE's scowl is nothing short of intimidating as his hat's trinkets sways in the warm wind. He glances at you, blinking almost disbelievingly, before speaking again.

"Sometimes, I don't even know, or want to know, what goes on in that thick head of yours."

"That's probably for the better." You sigh, before sideways glancing at the man. "Besides, you still have to give me an answer."


"Can I use your hat or not?"

"Of course not! Is that even a question??" His rage creeps its way into his sneer as he glares at you, eyebrows furrowed furiously. "Where is your respect-"

"But Scara... I don't have an umbrella..."

"And I don't see how that's a problem."

"...If I catch a cold, I won't be able to help you with the group project-"

"You're so irritable, you know that?" He snaps, before tugging you by the hand and under his hat's protection, his hold tight. Scaramouche's hand is cold, but as he grips your wrist, he can feel the heightened pace of your pulse.

Flinching, he turns away, ears flushed red.

"Let's... just make this as quick as possible." ♥

votes and comments are much appreciated <3

thank you for reading ~

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