₊˚ෆ 𝐒𝐍𝐎𝐖𝐅𝐄𝐋𝐓 𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐅𝐄𝐒𝐒𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒 | lyney, neuvillette, wriothelsey x gn!reader

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( i am fully aware snowfelt is not a word. shhhh just please. ignore it. let's have another silly year together, yeah? )

⤷ they confess to you! reader has liked them for a while beforehand, fluff to start off the year ~ (psps i kn o w its the 23rd but writer's block whammied me against a wall and held me hostage for that time so. its really not my fault /lh)

[ in the dying light of fireglow, hands intertwined below a blanket, they turn to gaze into your eyes, speaking three words... ]

"Cold, are we? Shall I warm you up?"

Ah, but the playful grin tugging at LYNEY's lips already provides you with a sufficient, kindled warmth nestled deep into your chest. The snow cascading beyond the windows, curtains half-drawn over the glass, revealed the picturesque scenery, the land that had grown familiar to you dusted with white... your thoughts were dispersed with a light shake of your head just as the winter breeze swept over the snow.

The male smiles as you nudge yourself closer to his side, and with a swift snap of his fingers, sparks heat in the fireplace, a blaze whose flames licked the bricks of its ensnarement. Unfair, really, simply unfair, how with such an effortless movement he swept you into your arms, reddened your already flushed, cold-bitten cheeks. "Warm yet?"

"...Too warm," you manage a complaint, voice barely audible with how tightly you were pressed against him. "You're suffocating me, Lyney." At your words, his seemingly unconscious vice-like grip loosened, allowing you a breath.



The world was quiet. Silent, for not even the wind dared utter a noise. No, that couldn't be true, for if that were the case, then what were you to make of the persistent flutter of your heart? It was the way his gaze drunk you in that allowed you to dream of such a misunderstanding that he might share the sentiment, with the sight of you cuddled tightly in his arms, your slightly messy hair after he had ruffled it and the rosy cheeks that could possibly bring the most minuscule warmth to his face.

"Thank you." Your voice was quiet, it felt small, too small for your liking. Why were you even thanking him? What had he done for you? A lot. Simply too many to count. With his playful demeanor, certainly someone like you wouldn't be well suited to him. Perhaps it was just a haphazard coincidence that allowed the two of you to meet, or perhaps just a cruel twist of fate that had decided to toy with your heart before discarding it. Either way, these feelings are safeguarded, nestled along with the warmth in your chest... they were quiet.

"For what?" Lyney's jest of a smile tugged at his lips. "Why, have you finally realized that I'm quite the respectable person after all this time?"

"No," you playfully hit his chest. Ever since the first encounter, the male had chased after you with reckless abandon, somehow managing to find you in just about any situation you were in. Watering the flowers that lined the streets, discussing work matters with the civilians, he'd appear out of thin air beside you, almost like magic. With a boyish grin on his face and a word or two whispered into your ear, "So this is where you were~" ...You shook your head, ears only growing redder at fortunate past thoughts. "You still remain a stalker, it'd be foolish to hope for anything more."

To hope for something more... what a hypocrite, you were. Your own words burned your tongue, the consequence of such a sin.

"Is it wrong to hope?" Lyney's smile remained, but his tone grew serious. The faint twinkles that shone in his lavender eyes evidently bore his "wrongful" hope. "To wish that perhaps one day, I'll mean more than just a 'stalker' to you?"

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