- 𝘄𝗮𝗸𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘂𝗽 𝗯𝘆 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝘀𝗶𝗱𝗲. ♥

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:feat~ haitham, kaveh, cyno, tighnari:

. . . warnings/notes!  fluff <3

Seeing you peacefully resting beside him, AL HAITHAM can't hold back his slight smile.

It's been a long week for the both of you, and he knows you deserve this well-needed rest.

So, without making so much as a sound, he gently removes his arms from around you, quietly rising as to not disturb your slumber. Heading into the kitchen, he first brews two mugs of coffee, then cooks you breakfast.

And that's how you awake, feeling the absence of Haitham's warm grasp, laying in the messily strewn bedsheets while blinking your eyes groggily. Putting on your bathrobe, still half-asleep, you wander out of your room, the rays of sun coming through the windows nearly blinding.

Through the light, you can see Haitham's figure, quietly making several batches of sweet-smelling French Toast. Wrapping your arms around his waist lovingly, you smile into his back.

"Morning, Haitham..." You mumble, yawning.

"Good morning, love." ♥




KAVEH's always been quite the rambunctious person, frequently bursting out and lecturing you about whatever he's passionate about at the moment. But in these quiet early mornings, he's more silent, just like now.

He smiles upon seeing your sleeping form, the first thing he glimpses as he opens his eyes, and all of a sudden, he feels so, pleasantly warm. It's an almost funny sensation that seems to bloom about his body.

"Good morning, darling..." He whispers aimlessly, running a hand through your silky hair, smile only deepening. He knows you're not awake, but continues whispering, "You look so beautiful right now." With that, he falls silent, the only motion of his hands, which card through your hair gently, playfully, as he laughed quietly.

"I love you so much, more than you might ever realize." ♥




CYNO just feels a sense of indescribable elation, knowing that you're by his side.

Opening his eyes, feeling both of your arms wrapped around his, warmth spreading throughout his being as he softly smiles down at you, heart thumping in his ears, Cyno doesn't know if he's ever felt happier. He turns around so he can face you, which earns a muffled whine of protest from you. Gently, he pries one of your hands from his tanned arm and instead clasps it in his own, giving it a small kiss.

"Sleep well, love."

He pauses, before speaking again, red-eyed gaze filled with adoration. In the streaming morning light, your illuminated figure looks, to Cyno, like one of an angel. "I don't know what I did to deserve you."

"All I know is that I'm so, so lucky to have you by my side." ♥




The sun hadn't even risen when TIGHNARI first awoke, your figure being gently held in his arms.

"Morning," he whispers to you, voice barely audible as he shifts his way out of bed as stealthily as possible. Hesitantly, he withdraws his hold on you, already missing your warmth. If he could, he would stay with you, all the way until the afternoon, lazing about in bed... but unfortunately, he had duties to attend to. His life as a Forest Ranger left him with no shortage of work to finish, and it was with an amount of regret that he had to leave you on such pleasant mornings like this.

With his loopy handwriting, he writes you a note and leaves it on the nightstand, reading, "Good morning, darling. I'll be back at 5. Love you."

He sighs in satisfaction, before gently pushing your bangs away and leaving a kiss on your forehead, smiling. "I'll be back soon, so until then, wait for me." ♥

votes and comments are much appreciated <3

thank you for reading ~

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