- 𝗰𝗮𝗹𝗹𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝘁𝗵𝗲𝗺 𝗹𝗼𝘃𝗲. ♥

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:feat~ xiao, kazuha, wanderer x gn!reader:

⤷ cw: fluff. that's just about it

"Love, where are you?"

XIAO appears almost instantly by your side, albeit looking the slightest confused - his puzzlement written all over his face as he glances at you with his gilded gaze. "I told you to call my name if you needed me, so why are you..."

You beam at his response, suddenly throwing your arms around him, to which he hesitates, then returns your embrace. "Because you're the one I love, silly!" Leaning forward, you give the adeptus a light peck on the cheek, withdrawing as fast as you advanced.

Touching a gloved hand to his flushed face, the male stays silent for the count of three before speaking once more, "...You're really so embarrassing at times..."

"Aw, you didn't want me to call you that...?" Figure slumping, you pout, giving him sad eyes.

"...N-No, that's... not what I meant." Of course he can't refuse you when you're looking at him with such a sparkling, innocent adoration glowing in your eyes.

"So I can call you that, then?"

This earns you a long sigh from the stoic man, but his expression shows no exasperation. "Must all you mortals be so trivial?"

"Ah, just give me an answer..."

Has he been waiting for this moment? Perhaps he has, for now Xiao leans forward and returns your kiss from before with one of his own, the lightest smile gracing his lips.

"...Do whatever you'd like, love."




"Love, what are you up to?"

It takes KAZUHA a ten second pause to respond, glancing up from the book he's reading in the dim lamplight of the Crux residencies. "...Me?" The way he's blinking so rapidly is almost humorous.

"Who else?" You smile playfully at him, shifting closer to his tensed figure to get a peek over his shoulder, trying to glance at what he's reading so diligently. "Of course I mean you, love."

It's hard not to tease him when his expression is so flustered. He's quite the calm man, but this once, your antics have managed to catch him off guard.

It takes another moment for the male to meet your gaze, but when he does, his crimson eyes sparkle as red dusts his cheeks. "Haha, you really do always catch me by surprise, don't you? It'd do me well to fetch myself a piece of paper and a pen now... I'm sure I wouldn't want to forget this moment."

Setting down his book next to him, he leans into your body, smiling at your warmth. Moments like these are bliss, where no words are shared, yet the two of you reside comfortably in each other's presence.

When he quietly glances up at you, the shimmering affection in his eyes is startlingly apparent.

"That's what I love about you, dove."




"Love, c'mon, look at me..."

And just like that, your words have drawn WANDERER in once more. His expression is enraged, that's for sure, but the slight flush on his cheeks, almost hidden by his hair, is undeniable.

"Wh-" He pauses, whipping around, eyes wide. "What do you think you're doing, calling me by such... frivolous titles...!" Strange, why is he acting like you've committed some sort of grave offense?

"Hm? But love, what's wrong?" You smile, practically beaming as the anger on his face only grows more apparent.

"Oh- You- You know exactly what you're doing, aren't you? Listen here..." And just like that, his stuttering tone shifts. Suddenly his gaze is cold as it's now trained on you. "Who do you think you are, to assume that you are to call me such names?"

Perhaps you know, or perhaps you don't. Names carry an obscure value to the male, one that he can't even begin to unravel. After all, he is one of many names as well... Kunizukushi, Scaramouche... and now, Wanderer. Each of those titles that seem to shape just who he is, molding his identity with each letter.

So for you to call him that word so carefreely...

He's not exactly sure how it feels, but there's a knot in his chest, right where his heart would be.

"...Sorry." You sheepishly sigh. "That was unbecoming. I didn't realize you'd be so... sorry."

Ah, look what he's done. Now you're apologizing for his problem. And before he knows it, the words slip through his mouth, true to the feeling that's beginning to overwhelm him.

"No, don't apologize."

"Just... tell me, how should I be feeling right now?"

"It's hard to think, and for some reason, my face is all red..."

ehfioadjflj hehehfuhfjfl this is one of my more popular fics with 5k notes <33 mwah mwah ilysm !! i think this was around the point my writing became actual writing istg i was on a fever dream for the past four months prior

votes and comments are much appreciated <3

thank you for reading ~

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