- 𝙬𝙝𝙤 𝙙𝙞𝙙 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙩𝙤 𝙮𝙤𝙪? ♥

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my most popular fic on tumblr E E E E screeches.

:feat~ childe, dottore, scaramouche x gn!reader:

⤷ established relationship, modern!au ⤷ violence, overprotective ...comfort(?)

"Why do you refuse? Tell me."




CHILDE's heart drops when he sees you.

It's only a small bruise below your eye, but he can already feel his blood boiling as he dashes over to you, embracing you in a tight hug until you manage: "Taglia- can't breathe..."

"Tell me. Who did this to you?" He pulls back hesitantly at your words, albeit only slightly. You're still pressed up against him, warm figure in his arms.

"Taglia, it's nothing you need to concern yourself over." Despite his questioning, you merely glance away, ignoring his pleas with a dismissive response each time. It's clear that you don't want to get him involved, but he does, because just seeing how you've been hurt, no matter how lightly, makes him pissed.

But he can tell, begrudgingly, that you don't need his help, or rather, don't want it. So he'll respect your wishes, at least while he's in your presence. With a long sigh, he loosely shrugs his shoulders, giving you one more tight hug before asking if you want anything - ice, bandages, food, whatever. Of course you insist you're fine, because that's the kind of person you are... and while it's slightly problematic at times, but being stubborn is an endearing trait of yours - after all, if you always showed no resistance, how boring would that be?

So as soon as you turn in for the night, claiming that you're tired, he just smiles and nods along, a plan already in mind.

You said you were out with friends.

When he called you at 10:04 pm, you responded.

There was background noise.

There was someone's voice, telling you to get off your phone.

Oh, now he knows who it was.

And that someone will surely not live to see tomorrow.




DOTTORE seems indifferent at first, not bothering to spare you a glance up from his countless research papers.

Then there's a flash of red in the corner of vision, and that's when he whips his head up, piercing red gaze immediately landing on your figure. It's not much, just a small amount of bleeding, but his mind already races. He's a peculiar boyfriend, to say the least, and his personality is one that changes constantly, so much so that you're not sure if you have one lover or thirty. For the time being, he'll tend to your wound, but archons know he's already calculating his plans on how to make the one who did this regret it.

"Ouch... Dottore, the bandage is too tight." You wince from where you're sitting on his office chair, arm held up so he can see. The male seems to jolt, glancing up at you while his enraged expression melts, just the slightest. He doesn't apologize, but does redo the bandages, looser this time, before looking back up at you for your approval.

"...Darling. Who did this to you?"

His tone seems gentle enough, like he's trying not to scare you. But his gaze is clear, the way his crimson eyes are cold and how his features are twisted furiously.

"Dottore, I'm fine." And just like that, you withdraw your hand, your warmth, and hurriedly move to your room.


You're not dismissive like that.

You always tell him everything. Because he can solve everything.

Yet, now you're keeping secrets from him?

It's all their fault. Whoever they are.

"So if I kill them, won't that resolve everything?" ♥




SCARAMOUCHE merely scowls, glancing at you, brows furrowed.

"What happened to you?" His voice is mixed into a scoff as he stares at you up and down, expression only worsening, for some inexplicable reason. He's leaning against the countertop in the kitchen, looking rather... well, there's only some slight bruising on you, but his eyes hold so much... distaste.

"It's nothing." You push aside the male, heading towards your room. Scaramouche doesn't follow after you, only intensifying his glare as he watches you shut the door without another word, letting out a little 'tch'.

But as soon as you've disappeared behind the door, the wooden counter he's holding onto splinters under his choking grip, small shards crumbling onto the floor. Crimson blood drips from his fingers, the fragments digging into his sin, but all he can hear is the overpowering rush of his own rage.

Nothing? You think this is nothing?

You are his, and everyone knows that.

He has made it clear.

Yet, someone dares do this to you?

Perhaps it's an act to save face, an act to protect his pride, but more so, it's an action to hurt the one who dared to hurt you, whether you want him involved or not.

The next words that come out of his mouth are fractured whispers, violet gaze focusing on the red streaming from his hand.

"You won't have to worry, love. I already know you too well."

"You want me to take care of this, right? To get rid of the imbecile who dared to lay a hand on you?"

"Haha, very well. It seems that tonight will be one of bloodshed."

votes and comments are much appreciated <3

thank you for reading ~

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