- 𝗮𝗿𝗲 𝘁𝗵𝗼𝘀𝗲 𝗺𝘆 𝙘𝙡𝙤𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙨? ♥

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:feat~ alhaitham, kaveh x gn!reader:

modern!au, fluff✩ 

they're away at work and you miss them, so you decide to give them a call... wearing their clothes.

ALHAITHAM's automatic message is what greets you.

"This is Al Haitham. Currently Busy. If it's urgent, leave me a voicemail."

You hadn't expected him to pick up in the first place, but you knew his work schedule, and he should be on break right about now... however, you won't allow yourself to be disheartened!

The solution? Call him again, and again, and... well, you miss him a lot, so you'll just continue until he picks up... eventually.

And when he finally does...

"This is Haitham. What do you want..." His stern voice trails off upon seeing you, and that your camera is on. "Love, why are you FaceTiming me? Did something happen?" The way his exasperated tone melts into one of sincerity instead makes you feel warm inside.

"I missed you." You pout, before rolling onto your stomach. Instantly, the male's concerned expression morphs upon seeing what you're wearing - into one of hesitant silence.

"Is that... my shirt...?" Archons, you know exactly what you're doing, aren't you?

"And what if it is? Do you not want me to wear it...?"

Please don't pout at him like that, or the stoic man might just cave in.

"Why are you..." He's hesitant to ask, but he does so anyway.

"It makes me feel like you're here."

Those words make him fall silent.

"...Fuck." He's turned his camera off, but you're able to catch a glimpse of the red that's risen to his face before he did.

It's so innocent how you're obviously capturing his heart. ♥




KAVEH almost immediately picks up, and you can practically hear the excitement in his voice.

"Love, what're you calling me for?" There's distinct talking in the background, and you worry that you may have disturbed your boyfriend during an important work meeting. You try to take a look at his video, seeing people dressed in business suits behind him.

"Oh, are you busy?"

"Not at all!" You can hear his smile. "What do you need?"

"...I just missed you."

That's when the male notices that you've donned his sweater, draped too large over your frame. Your words, along with the sight he's just beheld, is enough to turn the blonde into a blushing mess. He has his hand over his mouth, stuttering and stumbling through his words as he practically glows red.

"L-Love- i-is that my... sweater...?" He sounds shy, almost, with the undeniably apparent flush that's dusting his cheeks and ears.


Ah, his heart is racing now, how is he supposed to concentrate on anything? "...Because you missed me?"


"Fuck this..." Kaveh sighs under his breath as he runs a hand through his hair. After a moment of silence, he speaks again, calling to someone off-camera. "Boss, I'm using my sick hours today, I'll be leaving early!" You can hear a distant, "wait, what?" in the background... but it's already too late - Kaveh's already sprinting out of the door, beaming at the camera, slight blush still present on his cheeks.

"I'm coming back home, so wait for me!" ♥

votes and comments are much appreciated <3

thank you for reading ~

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