- 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙤𝙣 𝙞𝙨 𝙗𝙚𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙞𝙛𝙪𝙡, 𝙞𝙨𝙣'𝙩 𝙞𝙩? ♥

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:feat~ xiao, kazuha, scaramouche x gn!reader:

⤷ fluff, snippets of mandarin chinese + japanese ✩ translations are at the bottom ! <3


XIAO has heard these words before.

But they were not ones directed towards him. They were playful words spoken from a fair lady of grey, with a jubilant laughter and a sparkle of mischief in her deep eyes... to a stoic man who knew not of love.

He did not know what they meant then, but he had seen the way Morax would stare, sometimes, at an ancient stone table, slowly drinking a cup of tea, the chairs before him void of person. The way he'd let his gaze soften, the way he'd allow himself to tremble, just the slightest.

The way he'd allow himself to say, "I love you," in perhaps the quietest voice possible.

So when those words leave your lips, and he flicks his gaze to you, seeing the way your eyes are sparkling and the way your lips are upturned... archons, he can't control his consciousness anymore. It's like everything in front of him is playing out in those in dreams, with rosy tint and shining stars in his eyes.

And he'll allow himself to embrace that dream, if only for tonight, in the mystical shroud of moonglow. Taking your hand in his, grasp tight, yet loose, pulling you into his frame.

Dancing in the moonlight with Xiao.

His every movement is guided, stiff, almost like he's been taken out of a textbook. But there's undeniable emotion in the way he gazes at you, his eyes soft and his irises golden pools of warmth, all for you. His garments flutter in the warm breeze, mimicking his movements like an echo. He steps steadily in unison with you, twirls you in elegant spirals, places his hands so gently on your figure, because he would never dream of hurting you.

And perhaps, in the pale light of the full moon, you might just witness a glimpse of the male's upturned lips, if only ever so slightly.





KAZUHA... his mind goes blank.

Is this what you wanted to discuss with him when you privately invited him to take a stroll on the beaches of Guyun? Is that why you had seemed out of it the entire day, and the times prior, flinching whenever he attempted to step closer? All because you were trying to prepare yourself, for this very moment, as the two of you sat beneath the stars, moonlight illuminating the seas?


You can't see him now, you musn't. His bandaged hands tremble as he cautiously places it over the fabric before his racing heart, it's beat thrumming in his ears as he turns his head away from you. You shouldn't have to witness him like this, when he's being so unreasonable.

It's shameless, is what he tells himself as he can feel his face burn under the weight of your words, how his grasp quivers against his chest, how his crimson eyes are beginning to water.



The voice that gives him shivers. The words from the one that he adores, so, so much.

His starry eyes meet yours, and everything seems to stop, right there and then. Like the archons themselves took a picture of this moment, preserving it in time forever. Your warmth as you lean in closer, hesitantly placing a hand over his, the way your gaze is brimming with hope, and something more.

He has to say something, yet no words escape his lips, but what does spill are the tears from his warm ruby eyes, glimmering as his gaze fixated on you.

"...死んでもいいわ。" His voice is like the whisper of leaves in the wind.

Love, please, know that I will always adore you, no matter what.




SCARAMOUCHE recognizes all of these phrases, ones that have been ingrained in his head.

When he was younger, abandoned and alone, he had yearned for love. Affection. The sweet words and warmth of another. He had spent his time reading stories and hearing tales with eager ears, eyes sparkling as each tale was recounted. In such a cruel world like this, love was its one redemption!

It was a foolish notion.

One that was concocted by an ignorant child. A child named Kunikuzushi.

With glittering violet eyes he had read page after page, dreaming of the day where that special person would find him, whisk him away, heal his broken heart.

And there had been no one.

"月が綺麗ですね?" Those words, paired with the light smile that's dancing across your lips, is enough to send his face ablaze, chest clenching as his stomach seemed to flutter. It's hard to speak, impossible, if you will, with the way the words he utters don't even make a sound. He can't even think right now - his mind is in a jumble, fragments of the past flashing across his mind.

I wonder when someone will say that to me!

His eyes that had sparkled, the way he had smiled, the way he had felt warm.

Warmth, like the one he felt now, gazing upon you with wide eyes and a mouth that was slightly ajar. And the burst of... was it happiness? Emotion. Unbridled emotion that made the child want to cry, and emotion that made him want to wrap his arms around you, and never to let go.


And perhaps now, he'll allow a true smile to spread across his face. ♥

(a/n) heheh did you notice how, since xiao is from liyue, doesn't respond in japanese, while kazoo and scara do? god i spent too long on this

translations! ✩ (yes my multilingual ass is dancing rn)

⤷ 我的心属于你: my heart belongs to you 

⤷ 死んでもいいわ: i can die, i can die happy

⤷ 月が綺麗ですね?: the moon is beautiful, isn't it? (i love you) 

⤷ そうですね: it is. (i love you too)

votes and comments are much appreciated <3

thank you for reading ~

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