Michigan Dogman

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Shawn's POV

Gage and I woke up early to start doing more investigating the whole Dogman story's and all that. So Gage and I are driving around talking about it.

Gage: So you think it's true?

Me: Probably. I mean we've encountered others so how can't it?

Gage: True. They do like to be left alone.

I pull into a dive bar for a few drinks maybe to catch some talk. We get a few drinks and sit at a table. Since Gage came out some guys flirt with him a lot.

Stranger: Hey there handsome. What are you doing here?

Gage: Hanging out with my friend.

Stranger: Well maybe we can talk alone cause I think your cute.

Gage: Maybe.

He looks at me for approval. I give him the go ahead and they leave. I'm sitting alone at the table and take out my laptop doing some research. I've been looking and hear someone talking.

Stranger: The Dogman legend eh?

I look behind me and see a stunning girl.

Me: Yeah. Have you had an encounter?

Girl: Kind of. My grandparents have on their farm.

Me: Care to talk about it?

Girl: Maybe for a date.

I offer her Gage's chair and offered her a drink.

Me: Want anything to eat?

Girl: I'm good thank you.

Me: My name is Shawn and you are?

Girl: My name is Lea and your cute.

I blush a little and take a sip my beer.

Lea: So my grandparents farm has always been a hotspot for weird things. I haven't been there in years since they passed away.

Me: Sorry for your loss.

Lea: Thank you. They went out fighting.

We talked for a few hours about different things and she gave me her number.

Lea: Do you have any socials?

Me: Well I have a few. Mostly post on YouTube and Tik Tok. Surprised that we got to a few million subscribers in a year. Guess people love scary stuff.

Lea: For sure. I'm pretty popular for cosplaying. You should mix that in with your content.

Me: True and I might. Do you mind if my team look around your family's farm?

Lea: Yeah for sure. Come by around 7 and I'll show you around.

Me: Sounds good. I'm gonna go so see you later.

Me: For sure.

She gets up and kisses my cheek then leaves. The server comes over and gives me the check. I pay and leave checking my phone and sees Gage's text.

Gayge text: Hey. Going to his house. Keep me updated.

I roll my eyes knowing how gay he is. I text him what's going on while driving. I drive back to the hotel and hear the girls "having fun". I lay in bed for a quick nap.

*two hours pass*

I wake up from my nap and check the time. It's 5:30 pm and get up from bed and get ready to go to the farm. I text Lynda and Andrea about it and they text back a thumbs up. I walk to the RV to see them making food.

Me: So how was your fun time?

They all giggle and I get sit on the couch turning on the tv.

News anchor: More rumours come in about the Dogman encounters. We have a local named Lea about it.

Lea: Yeah I got to my family farm and I saw my brothers dead with claw marks all over their body's and I just want it gone. Dead even.

I start the RV and start driving to the farm. When we get there Lea comes running over crying. I hug her comforting her the best I could.

Andrea: Can we look around?

Lea nods her head. I sit her down and grab a glass of water for her.

Me: How are you?

Lea: Could be better. Can you guys kill it?

Me: I can personally handle it for you. My friend can drive you to the hotel while my sister and I deal with it.

Lea faintly smiling: Thank you very much.

She gets up and leaves with Lynda. Andrea and I get ready for tonight.

Andrea: So? You and Lea Eh?

Me: Shut it.

Andrea: I say you should date her. We're almost 30 and we should settle down with someone. I need to find someone.

Me: I know.

*hours pass*

I look at my watch and see it's 1 am. Andrea and sleeping on the couch. I get up from the chair and walk outside for a smoke. When I light up my smoke I hear something in the Forrest. I know exactly what it is by the footsteps. I put my smoke out and put on my ghillie suit on and grab my guns ready for it. I hide in the bushes as the dogman walks onto the porch looking in the windows looking at Andrea. As it's doing that I sneakily get up and shot it. I roars and runs off. I get out and chase it. I hear Andrea screaming for me but I ignore her while chasing it. I lose it and sighs.

Me: Fuck sakes.

I walk back to the farm and Andrea is on the laptop.

Me: Hey. Anything on the tracker?

Andrea: Yeah. Its coming back so be ready.

I take off the suit quickly and grab my knives ready for a fight.

Me: Get the sniper ready.

She does that upstairs so she can be ready. I go outside and see it running to me. I run to it and we scuffle. Both of us having lots of cuts and we hear a gun shot. I stop fighting as the dogman lays dead on the ground. I stumble on the ground in agony. Next thing I know I pass out sleeping.

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