Dover Demon encounter

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Gage's POV

So my boyfriend and I have been together for a year and on our way to visit his parents. He's been the best boyfriend I could ever ask for. So we landed in Massachusetts air port near his home town. We grab our stuff and see his aunt who agreed to pick us up. He runs giving her a hug as I follow behind shyly.

David: Hey aunt Steph. Glad we meet up and surprise everyone.

Stephanie: Nice to see you too darling. Who's your cute friend?

David: That's my boyfriend Gage. The one I keep telling you about.

Stephanie: Oh nice to finally meet you.

Me: Nice to meet you too mrs Monk

Stephanie: Please call me Stephanie or Steph. Up to you.

I smile softly as I look at them. We all walk to her car which I'm assuming is an old Chevy car from the 80's.

Me: Nice car.

Stephanie: Thank you doll. This is my very first car when I first got my license. Hop in and I'll put your stuff away.

She grabs our stuff and puts it in the trunk as David and I got in the car. She gets in soon after and starts it up and drives. David and his aunt were talking away as I put in my earphones. I soon fall asleep due to the lack of sleep on the plane.

*hours pass*

I wake up as we're now driving in a wooded area. Now my earphones are dead so I take them out and put them in the case to charge. The sun was setting behind the forrest trees and they are still chatting.

Steph: Morning sleepy head. Good nap?

Me: Yeah. Where are we?

David: We're going to spend the night at Steph's place and we're going to my parents place tomorrow.

Me: Ok sounds good.

Steph: If you're hungry or thirsty there's snacks and drinks in the coolers beside you. Wasn't sure what to pack so I packed a little bit of everything.

Me: Thank you.

I open the cooler and grabbed an egg salad sandwich. As I'm about to eat she slams on the breaks.

Me: What happened?

David: Something just ran across the road and it wasn't an animal.

The car is standing still so I open the door getting out.

Me: Got a flashlight in here?

David hands me a flashlight and I take it turning it on. I skim the woods for anything strange.

David: He's so cute in detective mode.

Him and his aunt giggle at the comment but I was focused on looking to say anything back. I skim through the woods and see red eyes or something looking at us.

Me: Babe. Can you look in my book of cryptids under humanoids. This thing I'm seeing has red eyes.

Stephanie: I have a more powerful flashlight in my trunk.

She pops the trunk open and tries to get out but I stop her.

Me: Let me grab it. You stay in the car and I'll grab it.

I walk to the trunk and see the flashlight and also a shoot gun with some bullets next to it. I grab both the flashlight and gun loading the bullets in it. I cock it and turn on the powerful flashlight on. It's so bright I can see the entire woods and see a creature running off. I walk to them and talk to David.

Me: Anything?

David: I saw it and it's the same looking creature as the Dover Demon.

Stephanie: That fucker again?

David and I: Again?

Stephanie: That fucker has been fucking around lately and won't let up.

Me: Has it killed anyone?

Stephanie: Not that I'm aware of.

Me: Ok well you two go and I'll meet you at the house. Just give me the address so I know where to look or ask for.

They leave as I walk into the woods to find it.

*three hours pass*

I've been looking for it for hours and no sign of it anywhere. I sigh and start walking back towards the road again. When I get twenty feet back I feel a sharp pain in my back. I take my hunting knife out and swing the best I can but feel no connection. I keep feeling stabbing in my back and fall to the ground. I start dozing off as I hear gun shots and see lights moving around. I hear a screeching noise and hear something running off. I call out David before passing out.

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