Disneyland Adventure

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Gage's POV

The girls are still on the cruise so Shawn has been hanging out with us at his dad's old garage shop. He's been meaning to fix it up and open it up again but we use it as a hang out spot. I grab some beers from the fridge and walk back.

David: So you want to open this place up again?

Shawn: Yeah. Maybe Sydney and I can run it. She's a car gal and works on her cars so it'd be perfect.

Me: Yeah I've seen the vehicles you two worked on. They look great by the way.

Shawn: Thanks. Know what we should do?

David and I: What?

Shawn: We should go walk around an abandoned place.

David: Like where?

Me: What about a hospital?

Shawn: Or a prison.

David: I heard that Disney land has an abandoned section of the park.

Shawn: I've never been to Disney.

Me: Alright well we're going then.

Shawn: Wouldn't it take some time to get shit ready?

Me: Let's pack and then let's buy the tickets.

Shawn finishes his drink as he gets a call. He talks to Sydney as they're going to make a stop at Disneyland in Florida.

Shawn: Well good news is we are going to Disneyland in California. It'll be their final stop of the cruise and they're ready to come home.

David and I: Aye let's go!

We drive to our houses to pack and leave.

*hours pass*

We all agreed that Shawn will be driving all the way to California in his RV. David and I climb in and I sit on the passenger side as David sits on the couch behind me as we buckle up Shawn starts driving.

Shawn: By the time we get there the girls will be there in the limo.

David: How long will it take us?

Shawn: A few days max for all of us. Going to stop at the store to grab food.

He drives to the grocery store and we walk in. We buy Shawn food since he'll be driving us the whole way.

Shawn: Thanks guys. You didn't have too.

Me: We insist since your driving us.

We back in the RV and put everything away. Shawn starts the RV and starts driving again.

*two days pass*

We finally pull into the park's parking lot parking in a special spot for big vehicles. Two golf carts show up and it's the girls picking us up.

Sydney: Hey boys. Need a ride?

Shawn gets on the one with Andrea, Selena and Sydney as David and I got on with Lynda and Demi. They drive to the park entrance giving us the tickets to get in. We go in and walk around at first.

Sydney: Whatever you want babe I'll buy for you. It's my turn to spoil you.

Sydney kisses Shawn's cheek as we're walking around. Shawn, Sydney, David, Lynda go to the Marvel area while Demi, Selena, Andrea and I go to other areas.

Me: So how was the cruise?

Selena: Amazing. Well needed.

Andrea: Agreed. Felt nice getting spoiled from this cutie.

Me: That's good.

*hours pass*

We've been walking around for hours and we've bought lots of stuff. We met up with the others and Shawn is decked out in Marvel stuff.

Shawn: What an amazing day. I even met some of the Smosh crew which is cool.

Me: Nice!

Selena: We booked a room for the night so we can do more stuff tomorrow.

Lynda: Nice.

Demi and Lynda have been glued together since they've been off the boat so I'm assuming they're together for a while. We walk around as some of us went on rides.

*evening slowly arriving*

As the sun is setting we start walking to our rooms. As we walk into the rooms David and I start winding down watching TV. I fall asleep soon after.

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