Folklore Nightclub part 2

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Gage's POV

While Shawn and them doing their thing in the club David and I were wondering around talking to people.

Me: Yeah we're with the Cryptid Hunters.

Girl: Have they done the most encounters?

Me: Kinda. David and I have encountered quite a bit ourselves.

Girl: Like?

David: Dover Demon, Lizard men, Fresno Nightcrawler among others. The Loveland Frogman was my favourite so far.

Guy: What they like? Have they attacked you guys?

Me: Moat of them want to be left alone. I don't blame them honestly.

Girl: Makes sense.

We talk for a bit longer then we walk around more. We stumble across the storage room so we look in it out of curiosity. We look around it and see statues of less popular folklore creatures.

Adam: Like what you see?

David: Sorry. I know we shouldn't be here.

Adam: It's ok. Just a storage room so nothing special.

Me: Yeah. Why don't you put them out?

Adam: We're planing onto someday. Might do an event of the lesser known. I know you and some other hunters aren't the face of the group but I'd love for you guys to be the hosts of that event.

David: We'll show ourselves out.

Adam: It's ok. But it would be good to walk around.

We walk out and socialize. We meet up with Shawn and them telling them about the storage room.

Shawn: Cages? Really?

Me: Yeah.

Andrea: What kind?

David: Animal cages for sure but don't know the specifics.

Girl: Sorry to interrupt but I heard about cages?

Me: Yeah. Like animal cages.

Girl: Well I'm a zoologist and work with animals so I know my cages.

David: Well I have some photos but they're dark and didn't use flash.

They look at the photos.

Girl: Those are to keep medium sized animals. Like gorillas and that kind.

David: What's your name by the way?

Girl: My name is Shannon.

Me: Nice to meet you.

We talk more about it and she goes back to her friends. We talk about it more as Shawn and Andrea go to the smoke room.

*hours pass*

We decide to go home after a few hours and everyone went home of their own and David and I watch YouTube before heading to bed.

*next day*

We wake up and get a text from Shawn.

Shawn via text: Hey. Got a call from Nightcrawler's club. Let me know when on your way.

I showered and texted him on his way. I drive there and pull in the parking lot. I get out and walk in seeing the mess inside.

Me: What happened here?

Shawn: Adam doesn't know so hard to figure out.

David: Could it involve the cages we found?

Shawn: Maybe. He said we can look around everywhere.

Me: Ok Shawn and I will look.

Shawn: The girl we met last night. What's her name again?

David: Shannon. I have her number so I'll call her.

David calls her as Shawn and I walk to the storage room. As soon as we walk in we hear a little growling from a corner so Shawn looks and he sees something. I glance over and see it as well. It looks like a bigfoot or werewolf like creature so we leave and meet up with Andrea, Lynda and Shannon.

Shannon: So anything yet?

Me: It's a humanoid as we can tell.

Shawn: Didn't want to provoke it.

Shannon: Really?

Me: Yeah it was eating so we left before it finished.

Shannon: Should we capture it while it's distracted?

Andrea: Not a good idea. Yeah that's when they're pretty vulnerable but they're unpredictable as well.

That's when Adam shows up to us.

Adam: Well?

Shawn: Well it's a humanoid for sure. Did you know it was in the storage room?

Adam: Was too scared to really do anything about it.

Lynda: So that's why you called us?

Adam: No but it helps.

Shawn: Ok well might destroy the place.

Adam: That's ok. My dad knows people who can fix it up quickly.

We make a plan to get it or kill it if needed. Of course I'm the bait cause I guess I'm the fastest one on running. So I go in and smack some stuff around and run out. It follows as Shawn tackles it. They wrestle while we get stuff ready to capture it. By the time we got back in the place has already been trashed. Shawn has pinned it on the ground. I tie it's feet together which was hard with it kicking around but did it. Shawn ends up knocking it out so now it was easy to capture it fully. Shawn lays on the floor tired and injured so we help him up and put him in a booth to relax.

*one hour later*

Adam comes out with food and puts it on the table.

Adam: On the house for life from now on. Thank you so much for all this.

We have take it for to go and head home. I fall asleep instantly.

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