Mermaid Encounters

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Andrea's POV

Selena and I are invited to a yacht party by some of her friends. I have gotten to be close with her friends like Taylor Swift among others so it would be nice to see them again. Selena wore a nice sundress with a cute black and white bathing suit underneath and I wore a plain white dress with a one piece white bathing suit in my bag. So when we get there we get to talking with our friends. Her friend Benny was getting flirty with Selena as I'm talking to Taylor.

Taylor: It's been a while. How you been?

Me: I've been good. Selena and I have been going strong.

Taylor: I'm glad to hear! I know Benny has a thing for her for a while but she's not into him.

Me: I know but can't blame me for getting a little jealous.

Taylor: I know. I don't blame you. I've heard that Sabrina has a thing for you but you and I both know that Selly won't let that happen.

We giggle and we walk around talking to other guests. Selena walks over with Sabrina and her sister Sarah.

Sarah: You're Shawn's sister right?

I smile at her and we hug.

Me: Yes I am. He's doing good.

Sarah: Is he dating anyone?

Me: He's taken as far as I know. He likes to keep his dating life privet.

Sarah: Makes sense.

I've talked to Sabrina and Sarah for a while and I hold Selena by the waist and kiss her cheek.

Selena: I say we go swimming. Wanna go in with?

Me: I'm always down to go swimming.

I look at Sabrina and Sarah.

Me: Wanna come with?

Sabrina: We're not much swimmers.

Sarah: Yeah.

Me: Well we'll hang out soon.

I hug them again and we go to the changing room to get our swim suits on and walk out with our towels Shawn got us. We go into the pool and swim around.

*hours pass*

Selena and I are leaning on the railing with our drinks and look over the water.

Me: Beautiful sunset eh?

Selena: Not as beautiful as you baby.

I smile as she kisses my cheek. I look at the water admiring the view.

Selena: I'm going to head to our room. I'm very tired from the party.

Me: Ok baby. I'll be there in a few and you know my knock.

We kiss as she walks away. I couldn't help but stare at Selena waking away. As soon as she's out of my view I hear water splashing so I look back to the water. I see the water rippling so I got curious so I walk to the lower deck and watch. I dip my water in the water and see the water moving towards me and I look closer. I see a silhouette on a nearby rock. What I can see was the blond wet hair shimmering from the sun light. I do a whistle that only mermaids do and I see it turn looking to me. I whistle again and it swam to me. The shook came to me as Sabrina swam over.

Sabrina: Andrea. How am I not surprised you found out I was a mermaid.

Me: Well I always figured you were a mermaid. Gave off the mermaid vibe.

Sabrina giggles as she looks at me with concern.

Sabrina: Please don't tell anyone. It would ruin everything if anyone found out.

Me: I would never tell anyone and that's a promise.

She sheds a tear and smiles.

Sabrina: Thank you very much. This means so much to me.

I wipe away her tear and smile at her. I get up and take off my dress into my swimsuit. I get into the water and Sabrina and I swim around. We laugh and have some fun swimming. We swim around for an hour at least.

Sabrina: Well we should go back on the yacht and get ready for tomorrow.

Me: Want me to carry you to your room?

Sabrina: If you can. As you can tell it'll be a while till I get my land legs back.

I help her up and I carry her to her room. I lay her into the tub so she can dry off.

Sabrina: Can you stay for the night?

She looks at me so innocently and I can't refuse helping someone out so I stayed helping her out. She falls asleep in her bed as I fall asleep on the couch not long after. It was an amazing day.

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