Outdoor Man

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Shawn's POV

I've been running low on ammo and I've been getting getting my ammo and gun supplies at Outdoor Man. I've been watching the videos and find that Mike Baxter guy hilarious. I've been meaning to go in the store itself so I thought since I've been staying in Colorado during hunting season since it's the best place for hunting. I pull into a parking spot and get out walking to the store. I look around the store and walk to the hunting area and walk into someone.

Me: Oh sorry about that.

Her: No my bad. Wasn't paying attention to where I was walking.

Me: My names Shawn and yours is? Besides beautiful.

She blushes and looks away then back at me.

Her: My name's Mandy.

Me: Nice to meet you.

Mandy: Nice to meet you as well. Need help?

Me: Just looking around but I am low on ammo.

Mandy: My dad can help you with that.

She takes her phone out and texts her dad. A few minutes and he walks over.

Him: Hey there. Mike Baxter nice to meet you.

Me: Nice to meet you as well. I'm assuming you know me?

Mike: Enough. My daughter Eve is a fan of your YouTube channel.

Me: Ah yes. I'm new around here.

Mike: Is there a folklore thing around?

I laugh a little as he showed me around.

Me: No. Hunting season and I heard it's beautiful around here for hunting.

Mike: That's true. It's just beautiful of a lot of other things then hunting.

Me: Like camping.

Mike: For sure.

Me: So you have any other kids?

Mike: Three daughters. Any kids yourself?

Me: Nah but I have some nieces and a nephew.

*hours pass*

I've bought some stuff for hunting and I pay for everything. Mike walks my to my truck as we're talking.

Mike: I normally don't make these kinds of offers but I would like to make you one of the celebrity endorsers.

Me: Sounds interesting. I'll talk to my sister and friend about it.

Mike: Alright sounds good.

He walks to the store and I get in my truck. I drive off and call our group chat. They answer and I tell them about it.

Lynda: I say you do it.

Andrea: Yeah. Might as well do it while your down there.

I pull into the hunting cabin I rented and brought everything inside. I fall asleep on the couch after putting everything away.

*next day*

I wake up at 4:30 AM and pack what I need. I put it in the back of the truck and drive to Dutch Bro's Coffee place. I park and walk into the shop.

Cashier: How can I help you?

Me: I'm new around here. What's the popular stuff?

Cashier: For drinks it's the Golden Eagle, Caramelizer, Annihilator, Kicker, Cocomo, Double Torture and 9-1-1 for drinks and for our snacks it's our Orange Cranberry Muffin Top and Chocolate Chip Muffin Top.

Me: I'll try the Golden Eagle and the Orange Cranberry muffin.

I pay and wait for it to be ready. I grab everything and go to my truck and start driving. I end up driving to Outdoor Man and walk in.

Eve: Hi. You must be Shawn Cushman. One of the Cryptid Hunters. I love you guys.

I smile at her.

Me: Thank you. You must be Eve Baxter. Mikes daughter well one of them.

Eve: Yeah. Can I get a picture with you?

Me: Yeah for sure.

I smile as she gets her phone camera out and ready and she takes a picture.

Me: I don't tell anyone about my personal account but it's Crypt_man97

She types it in and follows me.

Me: I know it's private but for a fan like you I'll follow you back.

Eve: Thank you so much.

Me: Your welcome. Is your dad around?

Eve: Yeah he's upstairs. I'll walk you up.

Her and I walk upstairs and I meet him and the owner Ed as we start talking about business and hunting which leads me to buying some tags for the season.

*hours pass*

I finish telling everyone upstairs about all the folklore creatures I've encountered and fought even tho a lot of them don't believe me.

Eve: I believe you! Colorado has a few Cryptids.

Me: Like?

Eve: Like the Navajo Skinwalkers, Bigfoot, Tommy Knockers, The Vampire of Lafayette and the Slide Rock Bolter.

Me: Interesting. I'll have to research about some of them. Bigfoot's are harmless, they'll leave you alone if you leave them alone and the vampire I encountered was in Ottawa.

Eve was in awe at the story's I've told.

Mike: Well it's the end of the day so we better head home.

Eve: Can Shawn come over for dinner? Please?

She gave him the puppy dog eyes and everything.

Mike: Maybe tomorrow night. You know your mom hates last minute invites and all that. She probably has dinner ready for us five.

Me: Tomorrow will be better anyways. I have a date tonight anyways.

We all leave and I drive back to the cabin and fall asleep after making and eating dinner.

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