Trip On A Cruise Ship

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Andrea's POV

Lynda, Selena, Sydney and I are having a girl's trip on a cruise ship that Selena and Sydney paid for our girls trip while Shawn, Gage and David are having a guy time. We've packed our stuff and in a limo to the ship and Selena was talking about the places we'll be going to.

Lynda: Sounds like fun.

Selena: It will be. Especially since I'll be with my Drea.

She says giving me a big kiss on the cheek and then cuddles into me. I hold her close and kiss her head.

Sydney: You two are so cute together.

Me: Thank you. She's my favourite person.

Selena blushes hard placing her hand on my leg. We arrive shortly after and grabbed our stuff from the trunk. Paparazzi were there as per usual with Selena and Sydney with them being some of the biggest stars. We go on the ship and get brought to our rooms. Selena and I have a room together and Sydney and Lynda have one together so we have our own space. When we go in I see a bottle of wine and some wine glasses.

Me: Ooo how fancy.

I pick up the bottle and look at it.

Selena: I ordered it for us tonight. I know your more of a beer girl.

I interrupted her wrapping my arms around her waist.

Me: But I love wine when I'm with you.

We kiss and hear Lynda threw the door.

Lynda: Already fucking?

Selena rolls her eyes as I giggle.

Selena and I: Only Lynda.

We walk out of the room and us four walk to the main deck to socialize. Lynda being the clumsy person she is she walks into someone and none other the Demi herself.

Demi: Oh hey guys. Been a while.

Demi and Lynda look at each other but look away soon after.

Demi: I'll see you around.

Demi walks off and Lynda watches.

Sydney: What's up with you two?

Lynda: We haven't really talked about when her and I slept together before Billie and I were dating. Must be feeling guilty after that.

Sydney: Sydney is on the case.

Sydney grabbed Lynda by the arm and dragged her to where Demi was going. Selena and I looked at each other and giggled. We went to the bar and got some glasses of wine and sat on some chairs looking at the water.

Selena: Isn't this beautiful?

I look at her lovingly.

Me: Not as beautiful as you.

Selena blushes and looks away. I grab her chin and pull her into a kiss. She kisses back not fighting it. We look out again at the water and hear from the speakers.

Captain: This is your captain speaking and we are about to cast out. We truly hope you enjoy the cruise and hope you have a great time with us!

We smile as Selena cuddles up to me. After a few sips of wine a server walks up to us.

Server: Would you like a refill?

She lowers down with some more wine. I look at Selena with suspicion in my eye.

Selena: This is Bella. She's our server for the whole trip. I paid extra so you can be spoiled.

Bella refills our glasses and sets the bottle on the table next to me.

Bella: Well you and a few of our other guests but yes if you ever need anything my number will be in your room.

Me: Thank you so much Bella. We'll try not to need you to to much.

Bella: Well it's there if you need it.

Selena: Thank you.

*hours pass*

We walk into the dinning area for dinner. We are dressed in dresses and see Lynda, Demi and Sydney are at our reserved table so we walk to them.

Me: Where y'all been?

Sydney: Well I took Lynda to Demi and they talked in our room and well they went at it. I walked away from the room looking for you two.

Demi and Lynda giggles at Sydney.

Demi: Sorry.

Lynda: I'm not.

Selena and I sit down and ordered the food.

Lynda: So Sydney. How do you and Shawn keep the love alive?

Sydney: Well we do spice things up in the bedroom helps but we just get each other. We communicate a lot.

*hours pass more*

We all pack up for the night so Selena and I are in our room and as my nighttime routine is Selena listens to her podcast as I read my books. I read some chapters to one of my favourite books The Murder on the Canadian by Eric Wilson. I start dozing off while reading so I put my book mark in and put the book on the nightstand and fall asleep soon after.

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