Mothman festival

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Lynda's POV

It was Shawn's and Andrea's birthday coming up and Selena is doing something for Andrea so some of us will be doing something for Shawn. We got together and plan something for him so Jade, Billie, Demi and I got together and talked.

Demi: So what should we do?

Jade: Well what's his favourite things?

Me: Well we all know his favourite folklore creature is the Mothman. Maybe we can go to Point Pleasant, West Virginia.

Billie: What day is it?

Me: September 21st and 22nd I believe. I'm going to double check now.

Demi: So Lynda. Which one of us are you going to date?

Jade: Yeah.

Billie: Yeah.

Me: I don't know. I love you all and can't pick. Maybe making out with you all might help.

Billie: Maybe I'd get with Shawn for his birthday. He is cute.

Jade: Meh not my type.

Demi: Agreed Jade.

Me: If you all are going to be on my ass maybe I'll pick Halsey.

*two weeks later*

Demi, Shawn and I are going to Point Pleasant, West Virginia for his birthday weekend. Shawn is really exited and knowing our luck we'd actually run into Mothman himself. As we're loading onto the plain we run into one of Shawn's flings. Jessica I think her name was so they're going to catch up. We go to our seats and sit down after loading our stuff.

Demi: So you think they're going to join the mile high club?

Me: Probably. Maybe we should beat them to it.

Shawn sits beside us after loading his stuff.

Demi: Why don't you pack more stuff?

Shawn: Well one there isn't much that's my size and two never know when your going to need the space in my luggage. Especially knowing you two.

Demi: Makes sense. Who's your girl friend there?

Shawn: Jessica? Yeah her and I meet a few times.

Me: What happened with Brooke?

Shawn: She's not ready for a relationship.

Demi: Maybe you should have a threesome with them.

We giggle as he rolls his eyes.

Shawn: You guys ready? It'll be so much fun!

Demi and I: Yeah.

Me: Hope you have enough money for this.

Demi: I can pay for some stuff.

Shawn: You don't have to Dee.

Demi: I know but offer still stands.

*hours pass*

We finally land and I wake Demi up.

Demi: Hmmm? What did I miss?

Me: Well Shawn and Jessica did fuck so there's that.

Demi: Damn. I mean to be where are we.

Me: We just landed in West Virginia.

Demi: Ah ok.

Get get into an Uber and go to the hotel. When we go in we settle down. Shawn gets one bed and Demi and I share the other bed.

Demi: So what should we do till the weekend?

Me: Why don't we venture out?

Shawn: Think I'm gonna nap. Really tired.

Me: Yeah I wonder why. You fucked Jessica for some long.

Demi giggles at that but Shawn fell asleep quickly. Demi and I look at each other and roll our eyes. Demi and I leave an AirTag in our room out of habit. We leave and walk around town seeing everyone setting up.

Demi: Guess this is considered a date eh?

Me: Guess so.

We keep walking around and see the statue of Mothman.

Demi: Ok bish go stand next to it.

Demi takes her camera as I stand next to the statue. She takes a few photos as I walk back to her.

*the next day*

We wake up and walk around town. Shawn looks at some shirts and sweaters. We buy some food as well.

Demi: They literally have a Mothman pizza?

Shawn: Of course.

We eat and start venturing around again. Looks like Shawn is having fun cause I'm surprisingly having fun.

Me: You looked bummed out. You ok?

Shawn: Yeah just wanted Jessica here but oh well.

Demi: Don't think about it. We're here to have fun.

Shawn: Yeah I know. I would've invited someone if Jessica was going to be a no show.

Me: Fuck her.

Shawn: I did and I guess that's what she wanted.

Demi: Oh fucking well.

We keep walking around and went back to the hotel after. I text Demi.

Me via text: Take Shawn to dinner while I wrap his gifts.

Demi via text: Ok.

They leave and I wrap his gifts.

*one hour later*

I've finish and Demi is walking a drunk Shawn in. He falls asleep on his bed.

Me: What happened?

Demi: Well we ate and he met someone. They had a few drinks. He walked her back to her hotel room and came back. I was watching his drink for him and I went to the bathroom. Long story short I think he got spiked so I payed and brought him back.

Me: Damn. Well let's go to bed.

Demi: Ok.

We went to bed and she cuddled to me. We fell asleep quickly.

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