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I walked the endless darkness for what seemed like ages. The Nogitsune was no longer in my mind but instead a shadow constantly following me in the darkness hounding me. Wanting to end my life but didn't knowing that it wouldn't do him any good. And after the 900th time of him tormenting me in the pitch-black silent darkness, I lost my temper and and started involuntarily shift into a wolf and tangled with him. I eventually won out which was surprising to the both of us. I hadn't turned my humanity switch back on yet. Because I knew the moment, I did...the pain would be unbearable and would only give power to the fox. Which he was counting on. He wanted out. He wanted to be free of this prison. I didn't blame him. It was horrible here. 

The only company being my demons and my thoughts. What if I chose wrong? What if I made mistake? A couple seconds later, a beam of bright light shone behind me. I spun around and looked at the blinding white light. I found a swirling portal that started to pull me in. Claws were dug into the ground as I dragged along being pulled into the air, when a hand grabbed ahold of my wrist. The portal disappeared and fell into the arms of a familiar face. "Fancy meeting you here." Clarke said with a smirk. "Oh, you've got to be kidding me." I spoke.


Lizzie was pestering me with questions about Chad. Wondering how tall he was, what color his beautiful eyes were, and if he actually had the voice of an angel. "Yes, Lizzie. He's hot. And taken." I said turning to her. "Is he though?" She asked with a smile. I returned it before sitting down beside her. "How's Nikky?" Lizzie asked looking over at the small child asleep in bed. "She's good. Very temperamental though. And powerful too. She was having a nightmare and threw me across the room with a cry." I explained looking at the small girl. "Wonder where she gets that from?" Lizzie asked with a smile. "Gee I wonder." I said chuckling when a knock occurred at the door. The door opened and a teenager walked in wearing a black suit with a lion's mane of black hair. 

"There you are. I've been wondering where you've been. I was beginning to think you'd run off to Europe." Chad said in a thick British accent with a smirk. "Damn. He's hot." Lizzie announced. Which resulted with Chad's smirk growing wider. "Thank you." He told her walking over to me and pressing his lips to my forehead. "But...I'm taken, sweetheart." He told Lizzie. "I can see that." She said with a smile. "You two are cute together. There is no one more perfect for my sister." She said with a wide smile before giving a gentle kiss to Nikky and disappearing. "Your sister is.... how do I put this nicely.... strange." Chad said with squinted eyes before smiling at me. "Eh. It's true." I said with a shrug. "Anyway...what do you say we get outta here?" He asked me. 

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