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"What the hell are you doing here?" I asked him. "Saving your life, obviously." He answered. I laughed sarcastically. "I highly doubt that." I stated. ""No. I'm supposed to be in-in peace. Okay, you are not peace. In fact, you're the opposite of peace. So, where are we?" I asked. "Come on. Do the math." Clarke told me. "It's not that simple. Okay, there are freaky cyclones and blinding lights and you're here...Oh, my God, we're in hell." I spoke. "No such thing. I think." Clarke voiced. "HEY! I TAKE OFFENSE TO THAT." Cerberus stated. "Go on. Take your best guess." Clarke told me. "No." I said shaking my head. "Why not?" He asked as I walked away. 

"Because I'm not gonna give you the satisfaction of telling me that I failed." I told him walking away. "You mean you don't want to hear you're in the Blackness? That you've been consumed by Malivore?" Clarke asked. "No." I croaked as my eyes flashed violet. ""You don't want me to point out that all your romantic heroics were for nada?" Clarke poked. I spun around and glared at him. "That the big bad lives to see another day and all your friends have forgotten you ever existed?" He pushed. "Stop talking." I warned. "If I were you, I'd make peace with that." He added. I walked away trying to get away. "Stiles. Wait." He called out. "I can help you." He offered. I slowed to a stop and scoffed turning around to look at him. "I don't see how." I argued. 

"I spent years inside this place, and while you into the belly of Malivore didn't seem to destroy him, it has changed things, so stop being a dick to me and maybe I'll elaborate." He explained. "Okay." I said nodding my head. "I'm partially listening." I stated. "Every creature consumed by my father used to exist here in total isolation, but here we are, talking to each other." He said getting in my face. "Your presence here has somehow opened the cell doors. If it can do that, maybe there's a way for us to escape. So, what do you say? Partners?" He finished. I smiled before taking in a deep breath and letting it out. 

"No." I said shaking my head before walking off. "You are such a child. No wonder you failed." He shouted. I spun around. "Says the guy who entire life has been about failing Daddy. I don't trust you, okay? And I never will." I countered. "You're the one who brought me into this mess. If you'd just let me meat-puppet my loser little brother, then we wouldn't even be in..." He ranted. My eyes flared bright violet. "THAT IS ENOUGH!!!" I shouted before I spun around and sped to him, grabbing him and throwing him away into the darkness. My eyes still glowing bright in the darkness as I let out a growl. I let out a roar before speeding into the blackness as black wisp of smoke.



"No matter what path I go dow, it seems like a dead end. I mean, there were at least two other people with Landon and Hope the night Malivore was destroyed. They left fibers, footprints, hair. I just don't know who they were." Dad explained as I walked alongside him with Hope. "Isn't that the point? If somebody went into the Malivore pit, they'd be erased from our memories." I stated. "Yeah, well, that's what's haunting me. Who have we forgotten?" Dad asked. "Who it is, they may have the initials of S.M." Hope pointed out. "It couldn't have been anybody we've known. There'd be keepsakes, photos, an empty bed somewhere." I voiced. "There actually is. There's a dorm on the top floor that has been spelled shut. I've been trying to get through but haven't been able to." Hope said. "Well, whoever they were, they were important to somebody." Dad pointed out. 

"Wait. What dorm is on the top floor?" I asked looking at Hope. "The door at the end of the hall. I haven't seen anybody go in or out of there." Hope answered. "Could that be a clue?" I asked looking at Dad. "Possibly. The only way we could find out if we found a way to break through the barrier spell." He said with a shrug. "I've tried so many times. I even called my Aunt Freya, and she thinks it's a spell that's completely original. Custom. Never heard of." Hope stated. "So how are we supposed to get through?" I asked. "I don't know." She said with a sigh. "So, Dad, I was actually hoping we could talk about the Ascendant, what it has to do with Merge." I told him. "Wait, is that Landon and Chad right there?" Dad said evading the question walking over to them. I looked over at Hope before she shrugged and followed him. I sighed before doing the same.

"I've had my head buried in books for weeks, nothing on how to turn a wolf back into a human. I keep hitting dead end after dead end." Landon said. "Join the club." I said looking at Dad. "Hey." Dad said. "I wish I could help but I'm not the one that spelled Raf." Hope said. "Do you think that person that spelled Rafael is the person that we've forgotten?" Landon asked. "I highly doubt that. Wouldn't the spell had faded away once he was forgotten and cease to exist?" I asked. "I don't know. It's possible. We don't know the full extent of how the Malivore pit works." Dad pointed out. "Well, worked." He added. "Chad, can you ask my dad why he won't give me answers to my very simple questions on how my sister and I can survive past the age of 22?" I asked him. 

"That's because your dad doesn't have any answers, he's able to give you. That's why, sweetheart." Dad answered. "Able to or willing?" I asked. "Look, there is nothing about the Ascendant you need to know." Dad stated. "Then why do you flinch every time I bring it up?" I asked. "Because it has nothing to the with the Merge, Josette, so let's just drop it, okay?" He said with a bit of anger. "Well...This I guess. But uh...I'm gonna go." Chad said before getting up. "Yeah. I'm gonna head back also." Landon said getting up also and walking away with Chad. "I'll come with you." I said before hurrying over to them.

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