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I wandered the parking lot of Mystic Falls High School being the only one there before school started. I sighed before looking into the sky. The sound of trash bin falling to the side caught my attention. Three guys ran away. I turned to the wall to find that they had defaced the school logo and wrote 'SUCKS' on the wall. A police siren sounded from my right, and I turned. A sheriff got out of a black suv and closed the door. 

"This looks pretty self-explanatory, but you want to give it a shot?" She asked. "Um, toxic masculinity mixed with outdated sports pranks?" I answered. "There's no way Niklaus did it. He's a Timberwolf, not a Stallion." Maya called out. 

"Maya? Wha-What happened?" I asked her confused. "Oh, don't worry. She's, my mom." Maya told me. "We really don't like to talk about it." She stated as she climbed out the vehicle. "We?" I asked. 

"Hey, Niklaus." The boy named Lucifer from yesterday said. "Lucifer?" I asked as another boy came around the corner of the vehicle. "So, you guys are...?" I started. 

"My kids, well, Ethan and Maya are, anyways. No matter how much it embarrasses them. Lucifer is just a friend of theirs." She said pointing to the olive skin athletic boy. 

"'Cause who doesn't like getting dropped off to school in a cop car. I'm Ethan." He said with a smile extending a hand. "Niklaus." I said shaking it. "I'm on official business." The sheriff told Maya and Ethan as they walked off, Lucifer hung back. 

" me where I can find Principal Saltzman." She told me before I smiled. "I'll see you in class." Lucifer told me slapping my back. I nodded my head before leading the sheriff to his office.


"Yeah, sorry, I... I haven't seen him. Like I said, I'm pretty new here." Alaric told the sheriff as I hid in his chair turned away towards the window. "Well, his teammates last saw him at the Old Mill, by the Salvatore School. We found his truck abandoned, and his hunting rifle nearby." She said. 

"Okay. Well, I will check with his classmates and his teachers. I wish I could be more helpful, but like I said, I'm still getting to know the students. And the sheriff." Alaric explained as I smirked. 

"I was friends with the old one." He stated as I rolled my eyes. Yeah...tell the new sheriff about her predecessor. That'll work like a charm. "Please, no more stories about how great Sheriff Donovan was." She told him. See? 

"His shoes are already big enough. And this is my first real case since I moved from the city. Truthfully, I didn't mind that my biggest concern up to this point was a rash of missing dogs. Maybe they're connected." She explained. "Maybe." Alaric suggested. "I'll leave you my phone number. Call me anytime." She said before leaving. "Did you get all that?" He asked.

I spun the chair around pressing my fingertips together with a wide smirk. "Yeah. She's definitely into you." I told him. "What? No. No, she's just new to town, trying to make friends. Which is exactly what you need to be doing." He told me. I rolled my eyes getting to my feet. "I don't do the whole friend thing. I'm more of an acquaintance kinda guy." I argued. 

His face went deadpan. "Yeah, well, an acquaintance kinda guy wouldn't have bawled his eyes out into my second favorite shirt because he was forgotten by people he cared about, now, would he?" He asked. I narrowed my eyes. 

"Ouch. But look, I tried that last year. Didn't really work out. So, I'm gonna focus on monster slaying." I told him. "Well, it sounds like there could be another monster lurking around the Salvatore School. So, I'll check in with Dorian, since he has access to research we don't. Any other ideas?" He stated. "Just one, but, uh...we are both going to hate it." I answered.


I sat on the bus in a team outfit. "Okay...this isn't exactly what I had in mind." I said glaring at Alaric next to me. "You said it yourself, we're both going to hate this. So, deal with it." He said. "Hey! You ready to play QB for the team?" Lucifer asked me with a smirk slumping down beside me. 

"What? What are you talking about? I'm not playing QB. I thought you were QB?" I asked him. "Yeah. I'm QB but I'm not playing in this game. And neither is Ethan. We have to watch our arms." He said. "I'm terrible at sports though." I said. 

"Nah. I find that hard to believe." Lucifer said. "Really? How?" I asked. "I don't know. I think somewhere inside this cold exterior of a monster of a beast that kicks ass on any field." He said. " A beast? In me? That's...that's ridiculous." I said laughing nervously. "You think? Because something tells me that I might not be so wrong. You just give off a vibe." He said. "Maybe you should use it." He said with a smirk before heading over to sit up with Maya and Ethan. 

The bus stopped and I was one of the first to get off...I have a thing about being last off of a bus. My acute sense of hearing looked up and found a football soaring at the bus. My eyes went wide as I shot my hand out and caught it with one hand before it could hit Maya in the face. "Yeah...terrible at my sports, my ass." Lucifer said as he chuckled. 

I looked at the ball in my hand before looking at the field to see the Salvatore team looking at me shocked. "What do I do with it?" I asked. "You throw it, dumbass." Lucifer answered laughing. "Right. Duh." I said before chucking the ball into the air. The ball soared through the air like a bullet and hitting the goal post. 

"WHOA! SORRY! MY BAD! THAT'S ON ME!" I said screwing my face up. "Hell of an arm, dude." Ethan complimented. "I thought the point was to not draw attention to yourself?" Alaric asked me. "Sorry. It's my natural instinct to be a hero. I can't help it." I said with a shrug walking beside him.


"That dude has an arm." Landon stated. "Yeah. Did you see that? He barely threw the ball." MG pointed out. "Doesn't matter. We're supernatural. He's just a human at peak human Batman." Kaleb said. "Even I wouldn't go against Batman and I'm a Tribrid." Hope said. I kept staring at the boy as he walked alongside my dad and talked to him. "Do you know that guy?" Chad asked me. "Not really. We just, uh...shared a milkshake once." I told him.


"Let's just get this over with as fast as possible." I told Alaric. "Works for me. I'm no more comfortable being here than you are." He agreed. "Ric...There's something that you need to see." Dorian called to Alaric as I kept walking away. I stood on the field next to Maya as I faced the Salvatore School. "Let us begin our annual rite of American excess." Vardemus stated.

"Excess?" I whispered to Maya. She shrugged confused. "But unlike last year, I expect no unseemly violence, only for each team to play to the fullest extent of their abilities." Vardemus explained as I stared at Josie. "Understood?" Vardemus asked. "Timberwolves of Mystic Falls, you may, as I believe they say, call it in the air." Vardemus stated as my gaze shifted to the tall teen standing next to Josie staring holes into me. Vardemus flipped a coin into the air. "Heads." I said. 

"Tails. Watch. Tails never fails." The fox stated. The coin landed on the ground. Tails. "Told you." The fox pointed out. Shut up. "Tails never fails. We'll take the ball." Landon said. "So, it begins." Vardemus announced. "Uh, shake hands." He added before walking away. I shook hands with Landon and Hope before shaking hands with Josie. 

We stared at each other before she walked away. "Having another milkshake moment?" The teen named Chad asked me. "Sorry." I said before he backed away with a slight glare, before he turned his back and walked away with his arm around Josie. 

My eyes twitched a bit before turning around shaking my head. I glanced down at the coin before picking it up. Both sides of the coin were tails. I dropped my hand and scoffed. "So much for no magic." I spat tossing the coin aside joining up with Maya and the others.

Forgotten [Book Two of The Twins series]Where stories live. Discover now