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I found Lucifer outside playing with the younger students. He was playing Tag with them before they all ganged up on him and tackled to the ground. 

"How are you going to tell him?" Nogi asked. 

"Don't know." I answered walking over. 

"Good plan." He added. 

"Shut up." I sighed. "Hey, Lucifer." I called out. He looked over at me before walking over. "Hey. How's it going?" He asked. "Pretty good." I answered. "I need to talk to you about our little...adventure we had planned." I stated. "Okay...what about it?" He asked. 

"You're--" Nogitsune started before I slammed my elbow into his face and knocked him out. I immediately put him under a sleeping spell. 

"You bitch." Nogitsune strained before he fell unconscious. 

"Why'd you do that?" Lucifer asked pointing at the fox. "Let's go before he wakes up." I said running away. Lucifer followed. I entered Josie's room and swiped the Ascendant before speeding away. "We're really doing this?" He asked. "If we aren't stopped." I told him.


I was standing with Hope, Lizzie, and the others before Nogitsune appeared in the room in a cloud of black smoke. "Nogitsune?" Hope asked. 

"Where. Is. Stiles?" He asked with a glare. 

"What are you talking about?" I asked. 

"He was never gonna break his promise. He out-tricked a trickster. He's going to the Prison World. If he goes there..." He explained. 

"It's Stiles. You should've known that he wouldn't break his promise." Hope pointed out. "Why would he go to the Prison World?" I asked. 

"To find out if Lucifer's parents are there." He answered. 

"Great." I said sarcastically. "If my brother goes to the Prison World...bad things will happen." Hope said. "Well...then let's go stop him." I voiced.


I sat in front of Lucifer. "Okay, so what do we do?" He asked. "Just...hold my hands and repeat after me." I answered. "Why I gotta hold your hands?" I inquired. "Just hold the damn hands, Luce." I stated. He shrugged. "'Kay." He voiced sitting across from me and taking my hand. I started speaking in Latin. "Just so you know. I...don't speak Latin." He sounded breaking the spell. I sighed dropping my head. I opened my eyes and looked at him. "Sorry." He stated. I restarted the spell and felt the wind pick up. 

"STILES!" A girl shouted. "Bloody hell!" I spat snapping my eyes open. 

I snapped my fingers watching Lucifer drop to the floor. A blue light filled the room before the opened to reveal the Super Squad and Nogitsune. I waved my fingers at the group. "Hello there." I voiced. "Don't you dare use Obi-Wan Kenobi on me, Stiles." MG voiced pointing a finger at me. I put my hands in the air. "Look, I'd love to stay and chat but, uh, I've got some people I gotta find." I said taking a step back. 

"Stiles if you go in there you won't come out." Nogitsune explained. 

I shrugged my shoulders. "You know me...damn the consequences." I stated before stepping a step back and creating a barrier spell around me and Lucifer. "Stiles!" Josie shouted slamming her hand on the barrier in tears. I ignored her as I incanted the spell before dropping to the floor beside Luce.

I woke up beside Luce and sat up. I got to my feet before Luce did. "Are we there?" He asked. "Looks like it." I answered. "So now what?" He asked. "Well...we search." I sounded walking off followed by Lucifer.

We didn't make it very far before I was hit from the side and was sent flying. I tumbled across the ground before I was grabbed by the neck and pinned to a tree. I looked down to see a blonde girl. "Stiles Mikaelson." She stated with darkened red eyes. "Oh you've got to be fucking kidding me." I spat. The girl showed her fangs. "It's been a while since I last saw you. Which was...when you were what? At least 9 or 10 years younger?" She voiced. "Jade." I sounded. The vampire smiled at the mention of her name. "Long time no see, Kit." She said recalling the nickname she had for me.

I squinted my eyes. "Don't." I growled my eyes flaring violet. "Don't what? Call you "Kit"? I thought you liked it?" She asked. "That was before you disappeared." I spat breaking free. "Wow, you've gotten stronger. Extremely strong. Guess you grew into your powers." She pointed out with a smirk. "Stop talking." I snarled. "Stiles, dude what—" Lucifer voiced speeding into view behind Jade. "—Happened?" He finished. Jade turned around with wide eyes. "Lucifer?" She whispered. Luce's eyes grew wide. "M-Mom?" He croaked. "Well...that was easier than I thought it'd be." I said to myself, half-expecting Nogi to reply.

"Lucifer...what are you doing here?" Jade asked him taking a step towards him. "What am I doing here? What the hell are you doing here?" Luce countered pointing at her. "It's a long story." She answered before snapping her head to the right. "Right now, we need to go." She said. "I'm not going anywhere with you until I get answers." Luce stated. Something pierced my eardrums before I looked to my right. "Uh, Luce, buddy. Maybe get your answers later." I announced looking around. 

"Not until I—" He started again. "Look, Lucifer. I get it. She's your mom. You haven't seen her in a while. But right now, we need to go. Like now." I said. He looked at me before a high-pitched whistling caught my attention. I instinctively side-stepped and caught a stake with my left hand. I snapped it in two before throwing it to the ground. I looked up at Luce with a glare. His eyes wide. "After you." He said motioning me forward. I rolled my eyes before speeding off followed by Jade and Lucifer.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10 ⏰

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