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I stood in the hall and looked at the door on the floor confused. I looked over at Hope and Landon before walking into the room. "This was spelled before how it is open?" Hope asked. "Maybe someone got through?" Landon offered. "Or...someone got out." I whispered searching the dusty room. "Hope. Look at this." I said picking up a realistic drawn portrait of someone. 

"Do you recognize him?" I asked her. She shook her head looking at the picture. "Really?'s a picture with the both of you." Landon pointed out holding up a dust covered photo of Hope and the boy. He had brown hair and similarly hazel brown eyes. "Here's another." Landon announced pointing at a picture on the wall. 

"Wait...a minute. I have this photo on my nightstand. This is my family picture." Hope said. "Who is he?" I asked. "I have no idea. Why does he have my picture?" Hope asked taking the photo of the wall. "Uh...guys?" Landon voiced. The two of us turned around looking in a closet. "This is my dad's shirt...and my uncle's..." Hope stated. 

"You sure you didn't just store your old memories into this room and forget about it?" I questioned. "I'm not sure." She stated shaking her head. I spotted a bookshelf and noticed a grimoire. I pulled it out and looked through it. "These are runic symbols, Hope." I announced. Hope walked over and looked at the pages. 


"St—Stil—Stiles." I said reading the strange word with furrowed brows. "What the hell is a Stiles?" Hope asked looking at me confused.


I wandered the woods and searched for the monster before finding purple blood. A few minutes later, I came across Mystic Falls High School and sighed. "Why do you hate me?" I asked looking into the sky before heading towards the school. 

I walked down the halls searching for signs of blood. I found droplets leading into a janitor's closet. I looked around before snapping my fingers watching the door swing open. "Aren't you a little young for a janitor?" A boy asked. 

I looked over to see a handsome teen with brown hair. He was wearing a blue sweater and faded blue jeans. "It's nice to know I'm not the only one trying to hide out on the first day of school." The boy said with a smile. 

"Oh, no, I-I wasn't hiding. I-I was, um, uh, I was looking for the principal's office." I told him. "Well, you're in luck. I'm new, too, but I'm pretty sure that's him right behind you." The boy said before walking away with a smile. "Hi. I'm Principal Saltzman. Who are you?" Dr. Saltzman announced. 

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