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"So, it's the middle of October, snowing, and supposedly the Santa's equivalent of the antichrist is the cause of all it?" I asked. "Yeah...basically." Stiles answered. "What the hell kind of school is this? Hogwarts?" I asked. "Pretty much. Minus the occasional troll invasion and Dementors trying to steal your soul...yeah." Hope stated with a shrug. I dropped my head and sighed. "That was a rhetorical question, sweetheart." I stated before lifting my head with a smile. I walked over to them before giving them both a hug. 

"Stiles, try not listening to every word your uncle Kol tells you." I sounded. "Right." He stated. "So, who am I telling Santa isn't real?" I asked them. "Follow me." Hope stated walking away. I followed after her walking beside Stiles putting my arm around his shoulder. "You remind me a lot of Kol. You know, without the undying need to lie and all." I told him. "Thanks." He said.

Hope led me to the main room. "Can I have everyone's attention?" Hope announced as I looked around. I saw a platter of beignets nearby and plucked one from the dish. I looked over at Stiles to see him shaking his head chuckling. "What? Just because I'm ancient evil Original Hybrid does not mean I don't love pastries." I explained. He threw his hands into the air. "I didn't say anything." He said. "Yeah, well your face did." I told him. "I need everyone's attention." Hope exclaimed. 

Everyone looked over at the three of us. "There's one way of doing it." I whispered to Hope. "Um...I have bad news. A--" Hope started. "Actually, I'm the one that has bad news to share. For those of you, who don't know who I name is Klaus Mikaelson. And the reason why many of you are even alive. However, that could change given what is coming. You see, there's a thing called a Krampus that is heading your way. And it has a thing against Claus." I explained. I chuckled. "The irony of a jolly old fat man in a red suit sharing a similar name to me yet being nothing alike. Anyway, I suggest you evacuate the school before things get ugly." I stated.

Everyone just stared at me before returning back to what they were doing beforehand. I sighed dropping my head before lifting it. "Alright. Didn't think it would have to come to this, but...oh well." I voiced dropping the beignet to the floor before speeding to the long wooden table filled with foods and snacks. I reached a hand under it before flipping it over. I sped to the tree, grabbing and lifting it into the air before chucking it out of the school through the window. I turned to look around at everyone's shocked and terrified faces. "Let's try this again, shall we?" I said calmly with glowing Hybrid eyes.

I looked around at the terrified students. "Sorry. Didn't want to deploy the nuclear option but...hate to break it to you, but Santa's not real. He's a myth. A fallacy. And you're all acting like a bunch of children. So let's just put the partridge back in the pear tree and grow the hell up." I spat. I looked around before setting my eyes on a little boy with curly hair. He looked up at me before running off. "Was it something I said?" I asked. "I hate to be the one to say this but, Klaus is right. This is all too good to be true. I, uh, I don't know what came over us. All right, you all heard him. Dorian, hit the books, figure out how the Krampus operates. Josie, Kaleb, we need to set a trap for this thing. Everyone else, get the kids to bed and gather weapons. And someone bring me a crossbow." Alaric announced. 

"You would think after all this time you'd stop hating me." I told him. "You killed a lot of people, Mikaelson. I'll never forget that." He said walking away. "Yes, well...the woman you trained killed my brothers us even." I argued. "You killed Jenna, we'll never be even." He argued walking away. I looked over at Stiles and Hope. "Well, isn't he just peachy?" I asked sarcastically.


I stood around waiting in the corner of the room in the darkness. "What the hell are you doing? You were supposed to save me." A man voiced nearby. I followed the commotion and sounds before finding a horned creature with its long tongue wrapped around Clarke's neck, choking him. I spotted a sickle on the floor nearby and picked it up before throwing it at the creature's tongue, slicing it. The creature looked at me slithering its tongue back into its ugly head. "I'm guessing you're the Krampus." I said with a smirk. It let out a screech before I sped to it backhanding it across the face sending it flying into the mantle of the fireplace. I sauntered towards it. 

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