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I woke up on the wooden floor of my dorm. I got to my feet and looked around. The room was filled with dust and cobwebs. The curtains were covering the windows and there were sheets covering all of the furniture. I went to the door went to open it to find it was locked. I unlocked it but still couldn't open it. I furrowed my brows before sighing rolling my eyes. 

"Incendia." I muttered before the door flew off its hinges and into the hallway. I stepped out of the room and ran down the hall. I sped out of the school and looked around. "Hey? You lost?" A man asked. I turned around. "No. I'm fine, Dorian. Just looking for my friends." I answered. 

"I'm sorry. Do I know you?" He asked. My heart dropped a bit. "Uh...your name tag." I said pointing at The registration tag on his car. "Right. Well, uh...the school is closed right now. You're welcome to come back tomorrow." He said getting into his car and driving away. I looked around before heading into the woods catching someone's scent.

I entered the woods hearing voices. But as soon as I came around a clearing, my sense of hearing was filled with a constant ringing. I lost the feeling in my legs. Tears filled my eyes. I couldn't breathe. I tried to hold my emotions back. Trying desperately to keep the humanity switch off but my grip on the switch was slipping until it eventually was lost, and it flipped back on. 

Josie was kissing another guy. Passionately. Tears started to stream down my face before I leaned against a tree to keep from collapsing. I sped away about 30 feet into a tree, holding my emotions back to keep from being heard before breaking into a full sprint and hightailed it out of the woods. 

I skidded to a halt in front of a bus stop before breaking down. I ran my hands through my hair as the tears fell down my face blurring my vision. I cried out in pain. Feeling my heart shattering into a million pieces. I've had my humanity switch turned off for months, holding back all that pain and emotions. I fell to my hands and knees crying. The pain was unbearable. It felt worse than dying. 

I stumbled over to the bench of the bus stop and sat down before sobbing uncontrollably. I leaned my head back and tried to flip switch off, but the Nogitsune wouldn't let me. He needed my pain. And I didn't care enough at the moment to resist.

After 20 minutes, I sat in silence staring blankly into space. I turned my head to the left to see a bus arriving. I slowly rose from the bench and trudged forward waiting. I couldn't feel anything. Everything was.... numb. My brain was high on dopamine trying to deal with the emotions. 

I walked to the bus when it was flipped onto its side and slid across the road sparking before it slowed to a stop in front of me. I furrowed my brows before looking around the bus to find a giant muscular monster with a rancid smell. It let out a roar. "Greaaaat. Just what I wanted to deal with right now." I muttered sarcastically before I sighed.

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