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I looked over at Alaric. "Who is he? Really?" I asked. "That's not my secret to tell." He answered. "You'll tell me what I want to know if endangers the life of my daughter." I snarled. "And I'm telling you. It'd be best if he did it himself." He answered. I sighed. 

"Well...I can't really do that seeing how he turned into a giant flaming monster and ran off into the woods, now can I?" I asked. "Yeah, I guess not." Ric said. "Uh, Mr. Mikaelson?" Lucifer asked. I turned to him. "What?" I asked. "I have a question." He said. "Oh God, kid I told you stop asking him questions." Alaric said.

"No no. I mean yeah I know but this isn't about Niklaus. This is...this is about me." He said running a hand through his hair. "So... I'm a Hybrid like you. I think, I'm new at this life like you said. But...Niklaus told me that I was something called a Heretic like my dad. I was wondering if...maybe you knew my dad?" He asked with a hint of genuine curiosity in his voice. 

I pursed my lips before dropping my head slightly. "What was your father's name?" I asked deciding to help the boy. "Well, he left when I was very young, and he never came back...but my mom told me that his name was...Malacy? Malaka? Mal... Malachai!" Lucifer explained. 

I shared a glance with Alaric whose eyes were a slightly wider than usual. Lucifer looked between us. "What? What do you know? What do you know about my dad?" He asked. "Your dad was...a very powerful Heretic." Alaric started. "Was?" Lucifer asked. "I hate to be the one to tell you this, Lucifer. But uh...your dad died." Alaric told him. 

"What?" Lucifer asked losing his hopeful smile. "I'm sorry. But...he...was a good man." Ric told him with a smile. Lucifer nodded his head. "You okay?" Alaric asked him. "Yeah...I don't know what I was expecting to hear. I'm...I'm gonna go find Niklaus." Lucifer said before speeding away into the direction of the flaming monster.

I turned back to Alaric. "Why lie to him?" I asked. "Because...if you asked me about your long-lost dad would you want to hear that he was a murderous psychopath that killed his family and terrorized a town?" Alaric countered. "All you did, was set him up for disappointment in the future. Trust me, lying to him to protect him from the truth...will only make things worse." I pointed out. 

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it, but right now...we have a giant flaming problem on our hands. That is quite possibly possessed by an Oni among other things." Alaric said before walking away.


So... he's dead. After years and years of searching for him...he's been dead. I mean...I was killed around 9 years ago by a drunk driver. At the time I was 17...when I woke up, I thought that I had survived but that wasn't the case. I was killed instantaneously through blunt force head trauma. I was sent flying out the front windshield at 40 miles per hour. 

When I arrived at my house, I noticed a strong hunger that was burning my throat. That just wouldn't go away. I didn't know why until I looked at a neighbor outside jogging in the middle of the night. She was my first kill. That was the night I found out that I was no longer a human. No longer normal. I wanted to find out why it had happened to me but didn't know who to turn to. I heard about a group of people in town that could help me but couldn't find them. I didn't know any of their names.

When I finally worked up the courage to tell my mother about my situation, she was...surprisingly calm. Unless she wasn't, and she was really good at hiding it. Yeah, that's probably what had happened. My mother...was very knowledgeable about the new community I had unknowingly joined when I came back to life. How? Well, she was a part of it because she was a vampire. 

You know now that I think about it...I really should've expected it because she always came home late at night. I always wondered why but never questioned her about it. I also never asked her why she looked so young. Maybe I should have. Because now I'll never get the chance to. Because like my father...she went missing about a year and half later. Never heard from her again. I was, 18, a newly turned vampire that had no idea how to control himself. And also had no idea what to do with himself. As a kid, I was very hyperactive. I was diagnosed with ADHD, so I got bored easily. It also made me very fidgety and unpredictable. 

When I became a vampire, apparently, all of those things became more prominent, I guess. Because I had become way more hyper than I had been previously. I had also become a lot moodier. But wouldn't you? I was killed, my father was missing, my mother was ALSO missing, and I was a freak of nature.

All I want to know is why both of my parents are gone. My mother always told me that my dad was a bit of hassle to deal with. She always said that he was an insane nutcase that deserved to be in an asylum. But then she would laugh it off and smile and turn it around, saying that he was a wonderful person. So maybe she was the one that deserved to be in an asylum. 

But...knowing me...I probably won't give up. I, at least, want to find out how my dad died. Or where my mother went. If I could solve at least one of those...for once, in 9 long years, I could sleep peacefully. My father didn't name me Lucifer because I would give up at the first sign of trouble. He named me because...well...I don't know.

Maybe if I ever met the damn guy that'd be my first question. Wait, my first question would probably be...why the bloody hell he left me? Yeah...and then I'd probably punch him in the face before apologizing immediately afterwards. Don't judge me...I'm hurting inside. 

You're not allowed to judge me right now. You can judge me whenever I feel like you can start judging me. And at the moment, that day is currently scheduled on the 32nd of kiss my ass, 'cause it's never gonna happen. Got it? Cool. Now...where the bloody hell is that flaming son of a bitch?

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