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"D-Dad?" Stiles asked as tears streamed down his face. "Little Fox." I answered with a smile. Stiles threw his arms around me and held me tight as he cried. "I missed you so much." The boy sobbed. "The kinds of things that you must have gone through." I told him. "You forgot me." He said quietly. "I know. I know. I'm sorry." I voiced. "I feel terrible. It should've been clear after hearing your name...after seeing you turn into the Hellhound." I explained before letting out a sigh. 

"None of that matters anymore. All that matters now is that you're back. And I'm never letting you out of my sight." I announced hugging him tightly. "Don't make promises you can't keep." He stated in a low voice. "I don't intend to break this one." I whispered resting my chin on his head. "Dad?" The boy sounded. "Yes?" I answered. "I love you." He voiced. A smile worked its way onto my face. "I love you too, Stiles. Always." I whispered as Hope walked over to us. "And Forever." She said joining the embrace.


"Stiles?" Josie asked. I pulled away from my dad and turned to the beautiful brunette. She threw her arms around me as she quietly sobbed into my shoulder. I smiled hugging her back. She abruptly pulled back with wide eyes. I raised my brows. "What's wrong?" I asked confused. "It's you." She whispered staring into my eyes. "It's me? What's me?" I asked again. "I've been wondering for so long. But it's you." She continued. "Jo? What are you talking about?" I asked. "Andrea." She answered. 

"Andrea?" I asked squinting my eyes. "Our daughter." She answered. My eyes widened as I stood up to my full height. "Stiles?" She asked waving her hand in front of my face. "I think...I think you broke him, Jo." Hope stated. "Stiles? You okay?" Dad asked placing his hand on my shoulder. "Fuck." I whispered before my eyes fluttered closed and I collapsed to the ground.


I jumped watching Stiles collapse to the ground unconscious. "Stiles!" Klaus exclaimed picking him up off the ground. The boy, Lucifer, appeared next to Hope his eyes fixated on the unconscious teenager. "What happened?" He asked. "He...uh...he fainted." I answered. "He...fainted?" He asked. "Why?" He added. "He just found out he has a daughter." Hope answered. "Oh! Good reason then." He stated pushing out his lower lip. 

Klaus sped back to the school with the boy. "Lucifer, you mind giving me a lift back?" I asked him. "What?" He asked confused. "Oh! Right! Sorry! Sometimes I forget." He stated. He swept me off my feet as I went wide-eyed. "A bit direct, but all right." I said as he ran back to the school in a blur. He set me down in the hall of the school. "Sorry. I should've asked first." Lucifer said blushing. "It's fine." I told him. 

I followed after Klaus into a dorm room. Hope and Lizzie pulled me out of the room before the three of us watched Klaus sat beside Stiles in his bed and brushed strands of hair out of his son's face. His blue cerulean eyes shining with tears as he smiled at his son. "You look so much like your mother." Klaus whispered to him. "And I feel horrible for forgetting your existence. You're one of the best things to ever happen in my life, Little Fox." He said getting to his feet. 

"If you three are quite done eavesdropping, you can come in now." He said turning around to look at us. We entered the room. "So, you're positive that Stiles is the father to your daughter?" He asked. "I became mysteriously pregnant after Stiles went missing for nearly 10 months and nine months later, Andrea was born" I answered. His eyes widened slightly before smiling a brief moment. 

"You named your daughter Andrea?" He asked with a smile. "Yeah. I don't remember why though." I answered. "That was the original name of our mother." Hope stated. "I'm...sorry. I didn't--" I started. "Nononono! It's fine! Really! I love it! Makes it seem like there's still a piece of her left living in this piece of shit world." Klaus said. "Dad...the world went to shit years ago." Hope told him. "If I recall the world went to hell in 2020." He pointed out. "Yeah...that was a bad year for everyone." I said with a sigh. "You're telling me. I spent the better half of Hope and Stiles life away from them possessed by a bloody dark spirit while I rampages through countries." Klaus said. "Wasn't that also in 2020?" Hope asked him. 

Klaus squinted his eyes opening his mouth before closing it. "Well...I'll be damned...I was one of the reasons 2020 was horrible." He said putting his hands on his hips as he shifted his weight to his left foot. Hope snickered covering her mouth. "What? What are you laughing at?" Klaus asked her. "Nothing, Mom." She answered. "Mo--? " He started before looking at his stance and standing up straight. "Make that the last time I try to get comfortable while standing." He muttered. "Josie. I'll be out for a while. Do you know where I can find Damon Salvatore?" He asked. 

"Uh...I think he may be with our dad at Mystic Grill...hanging out." I answered. He chuckled with a smile. "Yeah...I bet they are." He breathed before speeding out. I looked at the unconscious Mikaelson and sat down beside him. "So what happens now?" I asked looking at my sister and Hope. " introduce Andrea to Stiles." Lizzie answered. I sighed looking back at Stiles.


I opened my eyes and found myself in my room. I looked around before my blurry eyes settled on a head of dark brown hair. "Stiles? You okay?" A girl asked. My eyes focused on her face and I instinctively smiled. "Josie?" I croaked. She returned the smile before I blushed and looked away. "I'm sorry." I told her. "For what?" She asked. "Not telling you." I whispered. "Stiles...I get it. You wanted me to be happy. But I was happy with you. I can only imagine the things you went through in the Malivore Pit." She said. I let out a sigh. "What's her name?" I asked catching her off guard. She smiled. "Andrea Saltzman." She answered. "Wanna meet her?" She asked. "Yeah. I'd love that." I said getting to my feet. Josie smiled widely. "Come on." She said taking my hand and leading me out of the room to her dorm.

We walked inside and Josie walked to a playpen next to her bed. I ran my hand through my hair uncomfortably before Josie walked over with Andrea in her arms. The instant I set eyes on heart melted. "Holy fu--" I started. "Stiles! Not in front of the kid." Josie interrupted. "Right. Sorry." I said refusing to take my eyes off of Andrea. "She's beautiful." I stated. Her eyes sparkled as she reached up to me with her little hand. They shone bright white with a twinge of violet purple. Her little hand brushed my cheek. My eyes widened. 

"She' you." The Nogitsune voiced. 


"Very. But...she's a kitsune." The Kasai stated. 

She is? 

"A hybrid as well. She'll be very powerful." The Nogitsune explained. 

"A chimera. Like yourself." Cerberus added. 

"That's not all she is...Stiles. She'll be just as powerful as you." He added. 

What else is she? 

"A Nephalem. But I don't understand how that would be possible. In order for a Nephalem to be born, their parents have to be an angel and--" Nogitsune started. 

A demon. 

I slowly looked up at Josie. 

"Meaning Josie's not just a Siphoner Witch." Nogitsune stated. 


"Shit." We said in unison as I stared at Josie.

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