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"Stiles? Stiles, you okay? You're not breathing." I said as I looked over the Mikaelson twin. "You're an angel." Stiles said out of the blue. I felt my face blush. "Thanks." I sounded. "What? Oh! Yeah. I meant...well, yeah. But that's not what I meant. Well, I mean I guess it is what I meant. But not in the way you're thinking." He rambled. "Stiles?" I asked. "Yeah?" He asked. "Calm down." I said putting Andrea down.

"Sorry. Uh..." He said. He grabbed my hand and my heart jumped into my throat at his sheer touch. He sat me down and joined my side. "You know how I'm possessed by three and practically you know...a demon?" He asked. "Yeah. Why?" I answered. " I sometimes talk with said my head. And I know how that sounds but uh. Jo... they told me about what Andrea is." He explained.

"What she is? What is she?" I asked confused. "Well, she's a kitsune that much is obvious. But Cerberus told me that she's a Nephalem." He breathed. "A Nephalem? But that would mean that one of us would have to be an..." I started before locking eyes with Stiles. "Angel." I finished.

"How is that possible? If I was an angel, I would be able to do magic by siphoning my own power." I said. "Jo, you're a witch, yes. But perhaps, you're an angel but haven't tapped into it. Like, when you're a werewolf. You aren't yet but once you kill an innocent you activate the gene. Maybe you have to do something to activate your...angelic powers." He explained.

"So...what? I'm Nephilim-Siphoner Witch hybrid?" I asked. "Yeah, yeah I guess." He said with a shrug. I shook my head. "Why would you believe anything that the Nogitsune tells you?" I asked squinting my eyes. "Because...the Nogitsune's not the one who told me. It was the Hellhound." He answered. "That makes me feel better." I told him.

"Look, Jo. I trust Cerberus. He kept me sane in the Malivore Pit. Albeit, he threatened to kill me and the Nogitsune if we kept arguing. But he protected me, defended me, and doesn't lie." He told me. "Stiles, you're telling me that a demon told you that our daughter is an angel/demon hybrid that's also part kitsune. And tells you that I'm also an angel. And you just believe them?" I asked getting to my feet. "Josie...I believe them because Cerberus is the protector of the supernatural. He has the power to identify any supernatural creature. And he's never wrong." He said.

"Josie..." He added with tears in his eyes. "There must be some part inside you that's been wondering what she is and what she'll be capable of when she reaches our age. But...take my word for it. I know hybrids when I see them. I can smell them. I can sense them. I can feel them. And I know that Andrea is a hybrid. And I trust Cerberus when he says that you're an angel. And if you don't believe me...just ask him yourself." He whispered.

"What?" I asked. "Ask him." He stated again. "You...want ask the Hellhound?" I questioned. "Of course." He said. "How do I--" I started before Stiles' eyes shone bright fiery orange. "--Ask him." I finished.

"Your daughter is very special, Josette. And extremely rare. Just like Stiles is. There is no one like him. Not even, his sister is like him.. no one has ever been able to withstand the full power of three ancient immortal demons and live. He's the first and only one to be able to do so. Nephalems are few and far between. Thought of as legend as I was and the Nogitsune within Stiles. But there is a certain truth to legends, Josette." The Hellhound explained.

"Something had to have existed in order for a legend to be created. Given how possessed by those demons indefinitely. He has essentially been labeled a demon. And a very powerful one at that. Although he is possessed by them. He is very much one. When he was born...the demons were born with him. Bound to him. For all eternity. And his body died. They clung onto his soul and waited for his vampire side to activate before they returned his soul to his body." The Hellhound continued as a fiery vision occurred before my eyes showing the story of the Nephalem.

"You see, Josie. We care about the boy. It may not look like it. But we do. And believe me when I tell you that you're an angel, Saltzman. Because you are. How else do you explain you natural attraction and pull towards Stiles? You two...were made for one another. There is no other supernatural being on this planet that even remotely competes with Stiles. And you know it. Not even Chad. Angels are magnificent creature. And I don't know how I didn't see it earlier," The demon hound voiced.

"But you have slight aura...around you. Not very noticeable but it is there. White and gold. Warm. A thing only featured by angels and demons. Kitsunes have auras as well but theirs envelopes their host in the shape of the fox. Stiles has one. A mixture of the Kasai and Nogitsune. It's fiery orange and black with nine tails. But underneath the fox aura, he has a black aura that clings tightly around his body like a second skin. The creation of a Nephalem only occurs once every millennium. The last time it happened. The Nephalem...transcended and became more. Andrea Nikole Saltzman has been imbued the power of you and Stiles. And when she's 16...she'll either either save the world...or destroy it." He finished as the fire died down.

Stiles' eyes stopped glowing and blinked a couple of times. "You okay?" He asked holding my hand. "I'm an angel. And our a Nephalem." I said looking in his eyes before looking at our daughter who was currently playing with a stuffed animal of a wolf. I squeezed Stiles' hand resting my head on his shoulder watching Andrea.

"I'd rather she be a Nephalem then have to deal with the shit I got going on inside my head all the time." He whispered. "I know. Cerberus told me. They care about you, Nik. They might not show it. But they do. He said that they held on to your soul when you were killed by the dream demon. And when you came back as a vampire, it was when they returned your soul to your body." I whispered back. "Huh. The irony of having demons save my soul." He said with a chuckle before I laughed.

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