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"Hey! Wait! Where are you going?" Josie called out. I stopped walking away and turned around to looked at her. "I have to head out." I answered. "Why did you help us?" She asked. 

"I...don't know. It's just in my blood. I want to help people." I explained before turning around resting the katana on my shoulder. "Where are you gonna go?" She asked. "I'll find somewhere." I answered. "You know, there's this school for people like you. I think you'd really like it there." She said. 

"Uh...I don't know. I wasn't really planning on staying in town for that long." I said scratching the back of my head. "Right. But...I think you should reconsider. If you change your mind." She said with a smile before walking over to Lizzie, Hope, Landon, and Chad. 

She threw her arms around Lizzie before turning to Chad and kissing him on the lips. The two held each other close before I looked down at the katana in my hand. 

You think this katana can kill me? 

"You're joking....right?" The Nogitsune asked. 

Yes, you dolt. 

I looked up from the ground and was revolted when I found Chad practically swallowing Josie. I let out a sigh before turning away and leaving the group of teenagers.

I entered the woods before stopping to lean against a tree. I had been holding back tears since I had left the square. My grip tightened on the sword. Seeing them kiss was too much for me to handle. 

"Let it out, Stiles." The fox told me. 

"What are you talking about?" I asked the fox. 

"You know exactly what I'm talking about, Mikaelson. Ever since you've come back...you're starting to relapse again. Your emotions are starting to get the best of you. And since you don't know what to do with it...you're holding it all in." The fox explained. 

"Holding what in?" I asked. 

"Your pain...Stiles. You're hurting inside. And quite frankly, you're holding in so much pain that if you don't do something about it, you'll eventually have an emotional breakdown that could possibly level an entire town." The Nogitsune answered. 

"So...Let. It. Go." He said. 

"It-It'll hurt if I do." I whispered as tears started to trickle down my face. 

"Kid...how is that any different than how you're feeling right now?" He questioned. 

I dropped the sword to the ground and let out a cry of pain into the night sky. Some of the branches on trees shook causing leaves to fall to the ground. 

"Good. Again. All of it, Stiles." The Kitsune told me. 

My hands were trembling beside me tingling and itching with power. I let loose another cry as tears streamed down my face. The cry made trees sway back as the ground rumbled beneath my feet. 

"Yes! Do it again, Stiles! Let it all out!" The fox said starting to shout. 

I turned around and leaned my forehead on the tree before slamming the side of my fist against it, splintering and cracking the trunk. 

"I don't want to, Nogi! It hurts!" I sobbed. 

"It hurts because this is all the pain that you've been holding back since Josie broke up with you. When your humanity came back on, that was only tiny fraction of the pain you were feeling. That was the pain of seeing Josie and her new boyfriend kissing under the moonlight the night we came back!" Nogi voiced.

"This pain is caused by Josie not remembering you. Along with Hope and Landon and Alaric and Lizzie and Rafael and MG and Kaleb. The entire world has forgotten that you exist and it hurts you because you have no one to talk to about it,"  He continued.

"You told Alaric but he doesn't know who you are! Just that you're a kid that went into Malivore and came back. He doesn't remember anything before that. Your own father didn't even know who you were! All this pain...Stiles...this toxic excruciating pain...has been eating away at you like a parasite! The longer you keep it inside, the more it will hurt! You need to LET IT GO!" The fox shouted. 

"I CAN'T!" I yelled shaking my head. 


"IT HURTS TOO MUCH! I CAN'T DO IT!" I cried out. 

"STILES! LET IT OUT!" He shouted. 

"No." I said shaking my head. 

"STILES! LET GO!" He roared his voice booming. I let out a loud piercing scream causing most of the trees surrounding me to uproot from the ground and fly back deeper into the woods as they exploded. 

My eyes glowed bright violet as my hands opened. Powerful magic exploded from my shaking hands, causing trees within a 2 mile radius to go up in flames before turning into ash. 

My violet vision flared orange briefly before flames enveloped my hands. The ground shook beneath me as nearby rocks were pulverized by unseen forces. The wildlife that hadn't been killed by the destructive outburst, ran away terrified. 

My loud screams echoed throughout the woods before the magic stopped flowing from my hands and I started quietly crying uncontrollably. A hand was placed on my shoulder. I turned around to see Lucifer with a warm smile on his face. 

"Something tells me that you could use a hug." He said. I smiled briefly before he hugged me. I sobbed into his shoulder as he stood there in silence. 

"No matter what happens...just know...Nik. I've got your back." He said quietly. "Always." He added. "And Forever." I whispered.


"We did not wait ten years to become friends with you...Stiles Mikaelson." My eyes snapped open as I jolted up right in bed with a gasp. 

"Stiles. Niklaus. Mikaelson." I said with wide eyes.

Forgotten [Book Two of The Twins series]Where stories live. Discover now