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"So...Josie is an angel. And your daughter is a Nephalem?" I asked Stiles. "Yeah." He answered. "I can't seem to escape demons can I?" I said. "Oh...and uh. She's also a kitsune." He announced. "SON OF A BITCH!" I exclaimed before I looked around. "Yeah...sorry." Stiles said before leaving. I let out sigh before rubbing my face with my hand. "How did I get myself into this life?" I asked myself heading to my office.


I entered my room to find Josie under the covers of my bed. I raised a brow. "Whatcha doing?" I asked. "Nothing." She answered. "Then...why are you in my bed?" I asked. "I broke up with Chad." She answered. "What? Why?" I asked walking over to her. I sat down beside her. Her eyes were red from crying. "So...what happened?" I asked. "After you came back, all my memories and feelings came back also. And...I realized that I wasn't going to get the same feeling from Chad." She explained. "So what you're saying is that Chad wasn't Stiles enough for you?" I asked with a smirk. She rolled her eyes chuckling. I brushed my thumb across her cheek. "If I'm being honest, I hated Chad." I whispered to her. "You did?" She asked. "Hell yeah! He had you and I had no one." I answered. 

She sat up before flicking her fingers. The sound of the door closing behind me and locking caught my attention. I looked over my shoulder at the locked door. "Did you just do magic without--" I started turning back to Josie to see her in the process of removing her bra. "--siphoning?" I finished wide-eyed as the bra feel to the floor. "Well, now you can have all of me." She whispered wrapping her arms around my neck. "Define all." I whispered back. "Every. Square. Inch." She stated with a playful smirk. My eyes grew wider. "Bloody--" I started before she climbed from out of the covers revealing that she wasn't wearing any pants. "What? Did you just run to my room after breaking up with Chad without pants on or something?" I asked her. "And? Wouldn't be the first time I've been naked in your bed." She whispered biting my ear lobe. I smirked.

"I'm starting to question if you're actually anangel or not, Saltzman." I said before I pulled her close to me. I pressedmy lips to hers. I peeled my shirt off before lifting her up and sitting on thebed. She kissed a trail down my neck as I caressed her breast. She fingered thebutton of my jeans, undoing them. She pushed me back onto the bed beforepulling my pants off with a wild grin on her face. I raised a brow. "Whoare you and what have you done with Josie?" I asked. "What? I'vemissed you." She whimpered with a pouty face. She slipped a finger into myboxers before peeling them off. "This is new." I announced as I feltmy arms become pinned to the headrest of the bed by an unseen force. I laidprone on the mattress watching Josie place her between my legs. My eyes wentwide as I raised my eyebrows. 

An angel? You're telling me that she's afucking angel?! Even after she's about to do what I think she's--oh fuck. 

Myeyes fluttered closed as I felt Josie's hot breath on my dick. Her lips closedaround it before swirling her tongue around my shaft. My hands curled intofists as I closed my fluttering eyes. I thought for a moment. 

Thisisn't the Josie I know. 

My eyes snapped open glowing bright violet."Bloody hell!" I exclaimed breaking free of the magical binds. I spedto Josie and pinned her to the wall behind her. I snapped my fingers and myclothes returned back on my body. "What the fucking hell is wrong withyou?!" I growled with glowing orange eyes and black sclera. She sighed."Aww. Does that mean it's over? Oh well, guess the jig is up." Shestated. 

A second later, she smirked as her eyes went pitch black and veinstraveled up face. My eyes went wide as I furrowed my brows. "I'm betternow." She answered in a metallic voice. "What the fu--" I startedshe sent me flying across the room into the wall. She sauntered over to mebefore she twisted her hand. My head snapped to the right quickly before Icollapsed to floor unconscious. 

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