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The two of us arrived at the school searching for the samurai but couldn't find him. "Well...that was...a big waste of time." Lucifer stated. "I don't know. Something seems off still. Like there's something here that shouldn't be." I pointed out as we entered the school. "Like what?" He asked. 

"That's the thing...I'm not sure. But the dude was asking if anyone touched him. So, I'm wondering if we should be looking for the samurai.... or for whatever he's worried about." I explained looking at Lucifer. "Well...Japanese mythology...talks a lot about demons. Mainly, kitsunes. So maybe it's looking for that?" He suggested.

"Kitsunes...wait, but why would he be worried if someone touched him?" I asked. "Maybe something was transferred through tactile contact." He said with a shrug. "You seem to know an awful lot about mythology." I told him squinting my eyes. "It's a subject that I'm interested in. Maybe it's because I'm whatever you called me...a..." He answered. "Heretic." I finished. 

"Yeah. That." He said pointing at me. "So, that is why you came with me. You just wanted to see Stiles again?" I heard someone asked. My eyes widened as I spun around to see Landon and Rafael down the hall. "Son of a--" I muttered. 

"Friends of yours?" Lucifer asked. "Uh...something like that." I answered before pushing Lucifer down the hall, around a corner and into Dr. Saltzman's office and closed the door.

"Boys? Wanna tell me why you aren't in class?" Ric asked us. I turned around. "Principal Saltzman! Hey! What are you doing here?" I asked. He furrowed his brows. "I work here." He answered. "Oh! Right!" I said before flashing a smile. 

"Alright. What's wrong? Spill." He said crossing his arms. I glanced over at Lucifer. "We're searching for some Japanese sa--" Lucifer started before I wrapped my arm around his neck and covered his mouth with my hand. He struggled to break free. 

"What he means is that we're looking for some Japanese salmon. You know? Because...we're hungry. And would like some fish, you know what I mean?" I stated as Alaric raised a brow. Lucifer pushed my hand after licking my hand. 

"Bloody hell, mate!" I exclaimed rubbing my hand off on my jeans. Alaric went deadpan. "Sit." He told us snapping his fingers and pointing at two chairs. "Nice going." Lucifer told me. "Me? What did I do?" I asked. "I don't know. But you did something." He said slumping into a chair as I smacked him upside the head.

"Shut up." I said laughing as I sat beside him. "Just so we're all clear, Mr. Parker, as I'm fully no longer have a broken arm. And Mr. Marshall, you made friends when you said you wouldn't, so, wanna clear the elephant in the room and talk about the samurai dude running around town with a katana?" He asked crossing his arms as he leaned against his desk. 

"How did you?" I asked. "Raf? Raf!" I heard Landon shout. "Uh...excuse me for a moment." I said running out the office and finding Raf running at Landon. I threw my arm out and a gate appeared knocking him back and knocked him out. 

"How you always in the right place at the right time?" Landon asked me. "Funny. I was about to say the exact opposite with you." I told him when Alaric and Lucifer exited the office and looked at us. "Man! I miss all the fun!" Lucifer exclaimed disappointed. 

"What are you two even doing here?" I asked Landon as I put Raf in the back of Alaric's car. "We came looking for answers and, well, you." He answered pointing at me. "Dad?" A girl called out. "Josie?" He asked. I turned to see her with Hope, Chad, and the Samurai. "Hey! You found the samurai!" Lucifer exclaimed pointing at it. 

"Why is the one in the odd shirt staring at me?" The Samurai asked in Japanese. "Hey! Watch it! It's called flannel and I'm not staring at you. I'm just looking at you, there's a difference." I answered. 

Forgotten [Book Two of The Twins series]Where stories live. Discover now