Chapter 21

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"Brook! Where are you?" I hear someone yell.

Oh shit! I'm still in Connor's room. I must've fallen asleep. I bolt upright and quickly straighten up the room. I run to the mirror and fix my hair and wipe my hair. I then open the door and run into Nathan.

"There you are!" He says relief flooding his face.

"Yeah. Sorry. I didn't want to wake you up."

"It's fine Brook. But what were you doing in there?"

"Oh nothing. Just thinking. Nothing important."

"Alright. Well, why don't you go get cleaned up and then head down for breakfast."

"Alright." I say and go to my room.

I brush through my hair and wash my face. I put on a bra and then pick out different pajamas. I don't really want to go anywhere so this will hopefully get the message to the guys. I pick out an older pink tank top and flannel pajama pants. The top shows some of my stomach but not that much.

I brush my hair once more then head down for breakfast. When I walk in the room the guys all stop eating and stare at me. Chase even drops his fork.

"What?" I ask pulling at my clothes.

"Nothing." They all say and go back to eating.

"Okay then."

The rest of breakfast is quite. The guys still look at me and I eventually excuse myself from the table and go to my room. Except I end up at a different door.

I walk in and go into Connors closet. I grab his favorite sweatshirt and throw it on. I then leave and go to my room. I throw my hair up in a lazy bun then head to the entertainment room.

I've been watching Boy meets world for a little bit when Nathan walks in.

"Wanna go to the park?" He asks.


"Come on. I'll buy you coffee. You never drank yours from this morning."

"Can we just get coffee?"

"Sure. We can just get coffee."

"Okay. Let's go." I say with a small smile and stand up.

"Whose sweatshirt is that?"

"My brother's."

"Oh." He says and we go to the car and leave.

"The last time you took me to the park, I made James give me money to buy coffee since he failed to make a some. You drive me to Gloria Jeans then to the park. Even though I didn't want to go. That's when everything went bad right? Logan showed up and I know something really bad happened and we went to the hospital but I can't quite remember." I say.

Wait! I remember more stuff! Yay!

"Did you just remember more?" Nathan's face lots up when I nod.

"And Logan had gotten stabbed." Nat adds.

"Oh yeah."

I stop and try to think of something that would have happened after that. I pull out my phone and go through pictures. I see that we went to Navy Pier. It looks like we had fun. The rest are just of me and Nat hanging out. Then nothing until I started using my phone again a few days ago.

"Nathan, what did we do at Navy Pier?"

"Everything. I don't know, we did a lot that day. We raced boats and went on rides and looked at stuff and ate food. It was a fun day. It was also your idea to go."

"Man I wish I would just remember already! It sucks to have everyone around you remember what you should but you can't remember shit."

"I don't know how that feels, but you almost remember everything! At this rate you'll have everything back before next week."

"I guess."

"You will. I know you will."

There's this tone to his voice and looking his face, making it seem like he's still trying to convince himself. This is just great. Just fucking great.

***sorry I didn't update sooner! I was out of town for a few days and had no signal and my lap top is still broke and in the shop. Hope you enjoyed this short chapter. As Always...




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