Chapter 10

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"What?!?" I say bolting upright in bed.

"I'm home!" Logan says jumping on my bed.

"Careful!" I say thinking he should take it easy for a few days.

"Stop worrying I'm fine."

"You were stabbed. And where's Nat?" I ask realizing that he's not here.

"Your boyfriend is in the kitchen."

"He's not my boyfriend."

"Sure." He says sarcasm dripping from every word.

"He's not!" I defend.


"So how you feeling?"


"Let's go eat then." I say and we go to the kitchen.

"Morning guys." I say walking to the fridge to get a yogurt.

"Morning Brook."

"What are you guys doing today?" U say attempting to have a conversation with them.

"Going out with some friends." Chase says.

"Me too." Adam and Kyle say in unison.

"Stop that." They say.

"No. You stop that." They say.

"Alright then. " I say interrupting them. "Bret, what are you doing?"

"Going to the pool with some friends." He says.

"Fun." I say.

"I'm going to be in the backyard getting a tan." Logan says.

"I'll be here bugging Logan all day." James says.

"I'm going to watch Netflix all day. What are you doing Brook?" Nathan says.

"Well since you asked. I'm going to hang out with Anyia today. It's a girls day so no boys allowed and I'll probably be gone all day and maybe most of the night. So don't wait up." I say.

"Before you go Brook I need to talk to you." Logan tells me.

"Alright?" I reply.


"Okay." I say and we leave the kitchen.

"Is it true?" He asks once we get to my room.

"Is what true?"

"That you have a drinking problem."

"Oh that." I say not liking this topic.

"Ya that. Why, Brook? Why would you put yourself through that?"

"Because I can't handle everything. I act like I can but I can't. The truth is that I'm hanging by a thread. The littlest remark sets me off and I can't deal with that anymore." I can't look Logan in the eye so I just stare at the floor. I'm too ashamed to look at him. I never wanted Logan to find out, but now that he knows, I know he won't let this go.

"Brook look at me. I hate knowing what your putting yourself through. I had to watch Adam go through this. Don't make me watch another person I care about go through this."

"I know it's not easy to watch someone whose hurting, especially if you care about them. But Logan, it's gotten to be too much lately. It's not you or you brothers fault. It's mine. But no matter what I do, know that you couldn't have stopped me."

"It's still hard to watch. I hate seeing you hurt. I haven't been here that long but your like a sister to me and I don't like seeing you in pain."

"I know. It's just nothing I do is ever good enough for my parents. They point out the bad things I do, tell me how much of a disappointment I am-" I'm cut off mid sentence by Logan hugging me.

"Your not a disappointment, Brook. You never were nor will you ever be." He says and we just hug for bit.

After a few moments we head back downstairs. I'm not really meeting up with Anyia today, I just used her as a cover story. I'm ashamed to admit that I'm going to a bar. I change into out of my jeans and T-shirt and put on a short navy blue dress with a gold bag and gold shoes. I leave about 7:00 pm and head to the bar.


"Hey there pretty lady." Some man says to me.

I've had a few drinks but I'm not drunk at all. I've only fallen, like, 5 times? Oh well who can even count that high.

"Hi!" I reply. It's the only nice thing to do.

"What do you say me and you head to the back."

"What's in the back? Is there chocolate?"

"Of sorts. Let's just go in the back."

"Okay!" He seems nice enough and I'm tired of being at the bar table.

Once we get to the back the man starts to attack me. And by attack I mean I think I'm going to get raped if someone doesn't help me. I push the man away and pull out my cell. I run into the closet and call Nat. I don't care if I am drunk.

"Brook? I thought you were with Anyia?"

"Long story short, I lied and went to the bar and now am being attacked." I slur.

"What?!?" He exclaims.

"Yeah, I'm at the bar about to take a nap. Night." I say and pass out.

"Get the fuck off of her you pervert!" I hear someone yell.

"Why don't you go find a different girl boy. I had her first."

"Like my brother said GET OFF OF HER!" I recognize this voice as Nat.

"What are you going to do if I don't." A man says.

"Well for starters, charge you with attempted rape." The voice I now recognized as Adam says.

"What, what's going on?" I ask.

"Brook! Are you alright?" Nat asks rushing over to me as he pushes the man away from me.

"Yeah, I just have a little headache. And Adam don't do anything to get yourself arrested."

"Fine." Adam says and he and Nat help me up, then to the car.

Once we get home Adam goes to his other brothers and Nat helps me to my room. I definitely drank too much.

"Brook, why did you go to a bar?" Nat asks when I walk out of my closet on pj's.

"I don't know. Honestly, I still don't feel like I'm ever going to be good enough so I wanted to forget that, I guess."

"Your perfect the way you are Brook. I love the way you are. I just wish you could see it."

"But I can't. All I see is a fuck up. That's all I've ever seen." I say, laying down on my bed next to Nat with my head resting on his shoulder.

"I don't see one bad thing about you, Brook."

"Your too nice for your own good."

"Brook, can I ask you something?"

"Of course."

"Will, um, you be my girlfriend? I know we only meet like a few weeks ago and haven't been on many of any dates but-" I cut him off with a kiss.

"Of course I'll be your girlfriend Nat." I say and we both fall asleep smiling.

********hey so not sure how long this is since I'm in my phone but I hope you enjoyed it. Sorry I haven't updated I've been busy and just gotten lazy to be honest. I hope you liked this chapter. as always......




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