Chapter 15

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"Brook!" Someone yells in my ear and I bolt up screaming.

"What the-!" I start then see the guys bent over laughing.

They expailn that they thought it would be funny and then we have a pillow fight which I started. That last all morning then we go eat and just hang out for awhile. Bret went to hang out with Aniya, and the others went to some car show or somethnig like that. Nat stayed here with me and we watched Netflix.


"Yes Nat?"


"Hi!" I say giggling.

"What's so funny?" He teases.


"Oh really?"

"What are you doing?" I ask after seeing that smirk plastered on his face. He responds by tickleing me.

"Stop!.......Nat!.........Please stop!" I say through laughing fits.

"What was that?"

"I'm serious!" I say while laughing.

"You don't sound serious."

"I am!" Finally I said something without laughing! I win!

"Fine I'll stop." He says and kisses me.

"I like this a lot better." I say and we go back to kissing.

****Hey so I know that this is short but I didn't know how to continue this chapter. I might start to wrap it up on the next few chapters. As Always....




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