Chapter 2

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Pic of Nathan on the side!!!!

I go to Logan's room to see if he knows why Nathan is being such an ass all of a sudden. I mean, come on! He's all sweet and caring one second, then all of a sudden, BAM! He's a complete asshole! I make it to Logan's room and knock.

"Who is it?" He asks sounding a little annoyed.

"Brooklyn. I need to talk to you about Nathan." I say.

"What did he do this time."

"Well he was sweet one second then became a complete ass. Is he always like that?"

"Only if he's uncomfortable. Let me guess he was telling you about us but left out himself. Then you asked about him and he snapped."

"Wow, your good."

"I know I am. Just ignore him when he does that. He's had a worst past than the rest of us. It's not really my place to tell you about it but he'll tell you about it when he's ready."

"So...can you tell me about him?"

"He is really fun and nice. He just has trouble with change. He's fun to be around and awesome. But when he gets close or starts to open up he freaks and turns into an ass."

"I get it."

"What you do now is you to his room and tell him that he can trust you. He'll want you to prove it by telling him something that you swore never to tell. Just say you can't cause you promised never to tell a soul."

"Thanks Logan." I say and head to Nathan's room. I pass Bret in the hall.

"where are you going?" I ask him.

"To get food."

"Don't eat everything!" I call after him. I reach Nathan's room and knock.

"What do you want?" He asks.

"Just wanted you to know you can trust me. I swear on my life I won't tell a soul what you tell me."

"Tell me something that you promised never to tell."

"I can't."


"Cause I promised not to tell anyone." I say like he asked what color the sky is.

"You passed. Come on in." He says moving out of the doorway.

This is going to be interesting. In many ways. I've never been a boy's room with the door closed that I just met. Let alone a hot boy. What have I gotten myself into!

"I'm guessing you want to know why I was such a jerk." He says as soon as the closes.

"Naw. I just want you to tell me if something bothers you. We do have to live together for two years."

"True." He pauses the continues. "After Logan was born, our dad left. He said seven kids is too many and he can't handle it. I tried going with him but he told me he didn' want anyone, especially me, going with him. He took all his things and left. No one but me felt like it was their fault. I was super close to him and then one day he basically tells me he hates me. I thought that maybe I was a burdan somehow, like I asked for too much. I didn't talk to anyone for months. My mom got remarried and I guess I'm just scared of getting close to people. I mean I never lied to but now I make it almost impossible for anyone."

"That's aweful." I say facing him. He just keeps his head down.

"The worst part is I still sometimes think it's my fault that he's gone."

"Look at me." He turns to face me but doesn't look at me. I lift his chin up so he has to look at me. "It's not your fault. It was never your fault and never will be. Your dad was an idiot to leave you and your family. You all have been pretty nice and haven't annoyed me, yet. I don't want you to take responsiblilty for your dad's actions." I say looking him in the eye. He looks so helpless and vulnerable.

We just sit there staring into eachother's eyes. I let myself get lost in his bright green eyes. He starts to lean in and I do the same. We're centimeters away when Adam bursts through the door.

"Time fo-" He stops short and me and Nathan jump apart.

"Dinners ready. And I now have learned to always knock." Adam says closing the door.

Dammit! So close.

"We should probably go." I say not moving when he comes closer.

"We probably should." He says moving closer. "Or we could stay here a little longer." He says it in a way that makes my heart melt.

"What would we do." I say a liitle louder than a whisper. We move a little closer together.

"I can think of a few things." He says and moves closer.

"Like what?" We're only centimeters away.

"Like this." He says and kisses me.

It's slow and soft. His tounge brushes against my lower lip asking for entrance which I give him. His tounge explores every inch of my mouth, memorizing it. We fight for dominace and I let him win. He deepens the kiss. He wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. We keep kissing until.....

"What is taking so long? Oh. I'll just tell everyone you guys will eat later." Kyle says leaving the room.

I start to turn around towards the door to see if he really left but Nathan turns my head back towards him. We keep kissing for a while till we get hungry, for food. We go down to the kitchen to find that the boys are still there and watching our every move. I guess they all know. Well this won't be weird at all, note the sarcasm.

After dinner I go to my room and read with the radio really loud. Yet again someone comes in. Can I get some peace?

"I thought I said not to bother me!' I yell getting very annoyed when they turn off my music.

"I want to talk to you about Nathan." Chase says.

"What about him?"

"Were you two really kissing?"

"Yeah. Are we done here?"

"Nope. I thought you didn't like any of us."

"I never said that. I just said don't bug me, which your doing right now so, bye!"

"Still not done. What do I have to do to get you to kiss me?"

"Become Nathan. Now out!" I say pushing him out of my room and turning on the music again.

After about another hour I go to sleep. I don't know why, but I keep thinking about Nathan, I even have a dream about him. What is wrong with me?"

*****Hey! So do you that things are going to fast between Nathan and Brooklyn? Let me know if you hae any ideas for the next chapter. As always....




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