Chapter 6

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Watch I Boy meets World for about an hour. Then I went up to my room, there was a note from Nat.

Dear Brooks,

get ready for our date. I had Maria put a dress out for you. You'll find your first clue on the mirror in your bathroom.


I race to my bathroom for the second clue. When I get there, I see the note taped to the mirror and read it.

Congrats! You know where your bathroom is! Now open the mirror!


P.S. The Mirror is behind the note ; )

I roll my eyes and open the mirror. I see that there are only a few things of make-up. Taped on one of them it says "wear these". I put on the make-up and then go to put on the dress. When I put it on a note falls from the sleeve.

Your getting closer babe. Now go to the kitchen for your final clue.


I race to the kitchen and almost fall down the stairs. When I run in, I see gold heels that go perfectly with the navy blue dress I'm wearing. I look in side the shoes and find a note. It tells me to go to Nat's room. I grab the shoes and head upstairs to his room.

"It's about time." Nathan says when I burst through the door.

"Where are we going!??!" I ask out of breath.

"We are going to an art gallery." He says.

"Really?" I say not fully believing him.

"Alright fine we're going to a music museum."

"Oh my god! Really?" I ask really excited.

"Yes really." Nat says with a chuckle.

"Let's go!" I say and try to drag him out. Why do boys weigh so much. Wait never mind.

"You are so weird." He says walking towards the door as I continued to drag him.

"This is so cool!" I say for the fiftieth time.

"I heard you the first hundred times. And I have a feeling that I'll hear it a lot more." He says turning me toward him.

"It's your fault for taking me here."

"In a way I guess it is."

"Yes, yes it is." I say and kiss him quickly on the lips then turn and jog to the next exhibit.

"You'll pay for that." He says and chases after me.

We get thrown out after a few warning then go to a park. We chase each other around for hours before realizing how late it is. He stops to look at the time and I jump on his back.

"What the...."

"Hi!" I say not getting off his back.

"Will you get off of me?"


"Fine. We can do this the easy way, or, the hard way. Your choice."

"Hard way!!"

"Alright." He says and starts running around then he trips over a root sticking out of the ground.

"Hey! Don't ruin the dress!" I shout laughing on the ground.

"What about my face!"

"Looks fine to me." I say shruging.

"You have leaves in your hair." He laughs.

"You have mud on your face!"

"I thought you said my face was fine!"

"Well, the mud's an improvment." I say trying not to bend over laughing at how stupid he looks.

"You'll pay for that."

"Not the dress!"

"Get over it. It was $20 at Target."

"You cheap mitch!!!!" I scream at him and throw a hand of mud at him.

"Not everyone is rich!" He yells throwing mud back.

You can probably guess that we had a mud fight. We also looked like clowns walking in the house laughing our asses off. Maria sent us back outside right when we stepped foot in the house and we had to hose off in the back. That started a water war. Then we had to dry off outside so we didn't bring water tracks in the house. So we did the only logical thing............we started hitting each other with our towels. After about 2 hours we were allowed inside where I changed into my fuzzy pj's and he put on pj pants and no shirt like guys do. 

"Want hot coco or coffee?" I ask staring at his bare chest.

"Coffee please."


"No thanks."

"Got it." I say and make two black coffees

"Here ya go!" I say handing him his coffee and sitting on the counter oppisite of him.

"Thanks babe."

"Why have you been calling me babe?"

"Cause I can."

"Ha ha. Very funny."

"Alright fine. It's cause I really like you. We've talk about that before. But I guess I say it with out realizing it to girls I really like."


"Don't tell the guys I can be that soft. I'll never live that down."


"Good. Now, you wanna watch a movie?"

"Of course." I say and we watch Listen to your Heart. I end up bawling my eyes eyes out and I thik I see a tear fall down his face.

We watch A Nightmare Before Christmas and I fall asleep. I think he does too since I'm not moved after the movie finishes.

******Hey so shorter chapter but I didn't really work on it a lot and It's getting late. So I hope you enjoyed. As always.....




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