Chapter 22

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After Nat and I get back from our coffee run, we return home and watch tv. I pull out my phone and start looking at all my social media accounts. I look at all the posts and captions to pictures.

All of a sudden everything comes rushing back. I remember Navy Pier, and all the heartache and everything little detail that I had forgotten. I remember something else. Something that I don't have picture evidence of or even would be possible to have captured.

I remember talking to Connor while I we on a coma. How I almost chose to go with him and leave the guys and my friends. If it weren't for Connor I would have died. Connor saved my life.

"Brook? Is everything alright."

"Everything is perfect! You were right about me remembering everything before next week. I remember Navy Pier and just being lazy and our last date. I remember something else that only I would know, considering it happened while I was in the coma."

"Brook this is amazing! Oh god I love you. I hated not being able to say that to you!" Nathan says with the biggest grin on his face. I'm glad he doesn't ask about what happened in my coma. I don't really want to tell him. At least not yet.

"We should tell the guys. I'm sure they'll hug the life out of me, but they should know."

We tell them and like I thought, I was in the middle of one huge bone crushing hug. I laugh and we all just talk like old times.

"Shit!" Adam says.

"What?" The guys and I say.

"We go home in like 5 months."

"At least we have a few more months though right? I mean soon Nathan and I will graduate and then go to college so it's not like I'll be stuck here. It'll be weird on holidays and such, but you guys could come visit. Maybe I'll convince my parents to visit you guys too. I mean, they do love you guys." I say trying not to show how upset I am.

These two years have flown by! I can't believe that we only have five months left together. I know that it'll go by fast. Schools almost out meaning that Nathan and I are going to college soon. I'm not sure if we'll be close or not. But all we have is now so I'll take what I can get.

"I guess. But we love you way more we your parents. You better believe that we won't leave you alone! You're family now!" Logan says.

"I love you guys so much! I'll miss you like crazy!" I say and start to cry.

They all hug me and I honestly couldn't feel more content. Yes this has been a crazy two years but it was worth it. I never thought I would be sad to see them leave. If anything I had thought that I would be happy. I'm not though and it's because I gave them a chance and let them help me.

"Okay. Let's lighten the mood before we all cry. How 'bout we go watch a movie or something." James says.

"Bret why don't you invite Aniya over? You haven't hung out in awhile." I say.

"Actually we hang all the time. Why do you think I'm never around?" He is his response but he still calls her over.

Once Aniya's here and we pick a movie we all settle down to watch it. I can't help but think even though I don't have my real brother anymore, I still have seven boys who will protect me no matter what. I know that just because their stay is ending, that doesn't mean we stop talking. If anything we'll talk more. I love these seven dorks and I can't imagine my life without them.

*** Hey so short chapter. I'm going and another chapter or two then an epilogue. Unless I decide to make a sequel. There will be more info later on. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. As Always....




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